Tarantula Pairing GONE WRONG cuz I went toilet πŸ’€ and he decided to watch Family Guy.

I just started the video we heard the Explosion oh no what was that okay so we Have got black and white today Okay So I think it's ready Oh my God [Music] [Laughter] Yeah anyways I chose this female cause Gee you have more female well this one Malted yeah so perfect hmm hmm Oh I'm freaking out He can't he can't he can't oh okay All right Okay here we go oh yes okay Okay He's in Now we meet no point of return Oh now he's vibrating he is vibrating [Music] The hell is that [Music] Okay Are you here this is your fault Easy breathing Yep What She got he got eaten You did not Dude I went out the face you didn't take A look after them Dude I just went off the fish You didn't look after him

And here I was like wait you didn't hear Anything nothing is silence He's gone man Are you serious you did God okay Here's the here's the rule when I got Out the face you look after them Oh my God What the hell Why are you even laughing at this oh no Really We were literally sitting here for like Half an hour watching I got to piss for 30 seconds I come back and it's gone Bruh wow well next pairing no one takes A piss Hold it in yeah hold it in Let's watch back the footage and see What yeah let's see if Oh my Freaking out man

See also  I GIVE UP!