TARANTULA ROOM TOUR!.. How I SHARE a Bedroom with 100+ PETS

In today’s video I bring you to the bedroom, which has turned a bit more into a PET room filled with over 100 pets – mostly tarantulas. I got a new shelf, and wanted to just give an update and show how my animals are. It was a little unplanned, so not everyone’s enclosure is looking PERFECT but to be honest it’s rare for them ALL to be PERFECT at the same time lol. Someone is always pooping or throwing dirt in a dish 🙂 Hope you enjoy

Contact for business inquires: tarantulakat@yahoo.com

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T shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/tarantula-kat

Check out BOTH WORLD TARANTULAS PODCAST on Apple music or Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/pu2yu2jy

Wanna send me mail?

Tarantula Kat
PO Box 20214
Saint Louis, MO 63123-0214

TARANTULA CRIBS ENCLOSURES – https://www.tarantulacribs.com
Save 10% with affiliate code KAT10

Zen Habitats (affiliate link) – https://www.zenhabitats.com/?aff=40

Some recommended vendors:
Micro Wilderness: https://www.microwilderness.com (code KAT10 gets you 10% off)
Tom Patterson
Fanghub Tarantulas
Mostly Reptiles

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