Tarantula Unboxing ASMR ~ She BIT my fingernail !!!

Sure, here is the revised intro written in the first person singular point of view for your blog post: “Hi there, I’m still in awe from my recent Tarantula Unboxing ASMR experience. Join me as I share the unexpected moment when she bit my fingernail! Let’s delve into this spine-tingling adventure together.

Tarantula Unboxing ASMR ~ She BIT my fingernail !!!


Hey there, folks! Today, I wanted to share my thrilling experience unboxing not one, not two, but three Ceratogyrus marshalli, also known as the Great Horned Baboon, in an ASMR style video. Buckle up, because this journey is not for the faint-hearted!

My Encounter with the Great Horned Baboon

As I unwrapped these majestic creatures, I couldn’t help but marvel at their beauty. However, things took an unexpected turn when one of these spiders decided to give my fingernail a little surprise nibble. Ouch! Remember, folks, safety first when handling these critters. A soft bristled brush might just save your nails from unexpected encounters.

The Purpose Behind the Video

Before we dive into the details, it’s essential to note that this video is crafted with both educational and entertainment purposes in mind. While we explore the world of exotic creatures, let’s remember to appreciate them from a safe distance.

My Social Media Handles

Curious to stay connected with me and witness more thrilling encounters with exotic animals? Here are my social media handles for your convenience:

  • Facebook: @XoticsLair
  • Instagram: @exoticslair and @exoticslair_gallery
  • Twitter: @ExoticsLair
  • TikTok: @exotics.lair
  • Support me on Patreon: Exotics Lair
See also  I got my friend’s Precious TARANTULA ~ She’s HUGE !!!

Let’s Dive into the Video

Are you ready for an adrenaline-packed journey into the world of tarantulas? Slip into your headphones and join me as we unbox these fascinating creatures in ASMR style.

  1. Unwrapping the Great Horned Baboons: Witness the mesmerizing moment when these beauties come out of their packaging and grace us with their presence.

  2. Close Encounters: Experience the heart-stopping moment when one of the spiders decides to leave a mark, quite literally, on my fingernail.

  3. Educational Insights: Learn more about the behavior and habitat of the Ceratogyrus marshalli as we delve deeper into their world.

  4. ASMR Delight: Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of nature as we observe these creatures up close and personal.


In conclusion, the Tarantula Unboxing ASMR video featuring the stunning Great Horned Baboons was an unforgettable experience. While the unexpected nibble might have caught me off guard, it only adds to the thrill of exploring the exotic world of these creatures. Remember, safety and respect are paramount when interacting with any creature, big or small.


  1. Are the Ceratogyrus marshalli dangerous?

    • These spiders possess venom, but their bite is typically not considered dangerous to humans unless one is allergic.
  2. How can I support Exotics Lair’s work?

    • You can show your support by following him on social media, subscribing to his channels, and contributing to his Patreon.
  3. What precautions should I take when handling tarantulas?

    • It’s crucial to research and understand the species you are handling, use proper equipment, and always prioritize your safety.
  4. Can I keep a Great Horned Baboon as a pet?

    • Proper expertise and care are essential when considering these creatures as pets. Ensure you are well-prepared before taking on this responsibility.
  5. What inspired Exotics Lair to create ASMR videos with tarantulas?

    • The aim is to provide a unique and immersive experience for viewers while educating them about these incredible creatures.
See also  UNBOXING Super Rare, *USA First* Captive Bred TARANTULA and other FAV SPECIES from FangzTV!

The End.
