The GIANT QUEEN ANT laid eggs !!!? OMG! ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿป #shorts

Welcome to our latest blog post where we delve into the fascinating world of ants. In this article, we take a closer look at the remarkable discovery of a giant queen ant who has laid eggs. You won’t believe what we found out! Join us as we unravel the secrets of this incredible creature and explore the wonders of the ant kingdom. Let’s get started!

The GIANT QUEEN ANT Laid Eggs!!! ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿป

Are you an avid ant lover who is always on the lookout for the next amazing discovery? Well, you’ll be thrilled to know that a queen weaver ant has been caught in the wild! A person found it outside their house and was beyond excited to care for it and see what happens.

Sharing The Discovery with AntsCanada

Without a doubt, this amazing discovery was shared with the world-renowned AntsCanada. After all, AntsCanada has been a constant source of ant knowledge and advice for all of us enthusiasts. They were the first ones to be contacted for advice on how to care for this incredible weaver ant queen.

Weaver Ant Queen Caught Outside House

This weaver ant queen was found outside the person’s house, and they can’t believe their luck. After all, it’s not every day you come across such an incredible creature. The person picked up the queen and took her indoors, where she could be cared for as best as possible.

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Contacting AntsCanada for Advice

After securing the queen, the person reached out to AntsCanada for advice on how to care for her. AntsCanada was quick to respond, as they always are, and provided some valuable advice to ensure the queen’s health and well-being.

Queen in a container with Damp Paper Towels

To keep the queen healthy, the person put her in a container with damp paper towels. This would provide her with the humidity and environment she needs while waiting for the eggs to hatch. The person is excited about the prospect of becoming an ant keeper and seeing the whole process unfold.

Hoping The Queen Will Lay Eggs Soon

The person hopes that the queen will lay eggs soon. This could take a few days or even weeks. However, they are confident she will lay them as she’s now in a healthy and safe environment for an ant queen. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the eggs to hatch and see the tiny ants emerge.

No Full Video on The Discovery

There will not be a full video on the discovery, as it could potentially stress out the creatures. There will, however, be some images shared with the wider ant community. The person is grateful for the advice provided by AntsCanada and is happy just to have this amazing queen ant to care for.

Slight Miscommunication Regarding the Materials Used

There was a slight miscommunication regarding the materials used while setting up the queen’s container. However, AntsCanada quickly corrected it to ensure the queen’s continued health and well-being.

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In conclusion, the discovery of a weaver ant queen is incredible, and everyone is eagerly waiting for the eggs to hatch. With advice from AntsCanada, the person is confident she’ll take good care of the queen and ensure she lays healthy eggs. Ant lovers know firsthand how exciting and rewarding it is to care for these amazing creatures.


  1. What is a weaver ant queen?
    A weaver ant queen is the reproductive female that is responsible for laying eggs and keeping the colony going.

  2. How long does it take for the queen to lay eggs?
    It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a queen to lay eggs.

  3. Why is there no full video of the discovery?
    A full video was not made to avoid stressing out the creatures.

  4. What were the damp paper towels for?
    The damp paper towels were to create a humid environment suitable for the queen.

  5. What is AntsCanada?
    AntsCanada is a popular ant-keeping community that provides ant advice, tips, and helpful information for ant enthusiasts all over the world.
