The Marvel Gaming Universe EXISTS?!? Spider-Man, Wolverine, & Insomniac’s Marvel Games (ft. Irogen)!

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With Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 & Marvel’s Wolverine BOTH being developed by Insomniac Games, set to release exclusively on the PlayStation 5, it’s only natural to assume that there might be even more going on behind the curtain. But what’s even more exciting is the possibility of Insomniac crafting their own Marvel Gaming Universe with more potential Marvel video games to come from them down the line. So, in this video, Irogen & I discuss what we think the impact of Insomniac’s interconnected superhero games could mean for the future of each hero’s franchise and what else may await further down the road! Thank you all so much for watching True Believers, and make sure to like this video, share, comment, and subscribe!

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