The Spider-Men Sing A Song (SPOILERS!)(Spider-Man: No Way Home Parody)(ALBUM COMING SOON!)

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Sub to the singers!

Rob Grace –
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Luke James Shaffer –
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Danny Smith –

Beat by Dansonn

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Here’s the lyrics –

The Spider-Men


It wasn’t easy capturing men that wanna kill me,
But we scoobie dood that crap when he said please,
I know you gotta lot to say doctor octopussy,
But I gotta goblin to get I’m kinda busy,

He’s lost and confused, just a feeble old man,
Aunt may says that we gotta help him,
I’ll have a word with Stephen, I’ll do what I can,
Uh he says they all die, we gotta rid of them,

Not on my watch sir, my plan is a lot better,
Your mirror dimension is cool but I’m Peter Parker clever,
These villains need help, we’re gonna try to save,
Wait, no!! Aunt may!!!!

We, save the fallen,
The down trodden,
Aunt may told me all life’s worthy,


I know what you mean Pete,
Uncle Ben told me a similar story,
I feel your pain, I went through the same thing,
And lost my mj, Gwen Stacy,


Hey green! Keep! Your eyes on me!
I’m the spider you want, leave those other two petes!


Great call, I got your back,
Swing off that,
Loop de loop back around, and whack!

Do you know what I spidey sense?
Victory from the spider men,


I know this might seem strange,
We’re not exactly the same,
But something tells me,
We share more than just our name,

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Those emotions you’re feeling,
I’ve lived them, I know you’re hurting,
But you can’t let your anger,
Turn you cold and bitter,

Grab the goggles and lab overalls,
We’re Science whizzes after all,
We’ll create some anti crazy fluid,
These vials will give us back control,

You guys make your web fluid wo,
Why you staring at me like I’m an oddball,
My web fluid just shoots out of my wrists,
Where’d you think it came from?
My balls?


We, save the fallen,
The down trodden,
Aunt may told me all life’s worthy,


I know what you mean Pete,
Uncle Ben told me a similar story,
I feel your pain, I went through the same thing,
And lost my mj, Gwen Stacy,


Hey green! Keep! Your eyes on me!
I’m the spider you want, leave those other two petes!


Great call, I got your back,
Swing off that,
Loop de loop back around, and whack!

Do you know what I spidey sense?
Victory for the spider men,


I know there’s not much time,
But there’s something on my mind,
I just gotta tell you all….
I love you guys!

I couldn’t of wished for a better set of brothers,
We’re family right? I know we all lacked mothers,
Do you think your wizard could keep us in touch?
We need a trilogy, is that asking too much?

Let’s go! Sling webs swing in groups,
I won’t lie our biggest threats gotta be electro,
He’s speedy, you gotta predict where he’ll be,
Wait that’s not the green goblin I know,

It’s like Deja vu, I can’t see it again,
He can’t get to mj she’s fallen!
But for Gwen…..
I won’t let that happen!

See also  Spider-Man No Way Home NEW PHOTOS and Details Tom Holland Interview


We, save the fallen,
The down trodden,
Aunt may told me all life’s worthy,


I know what you mean Pete,
Uncle Ben told me a similar story,
I feel your pain, I went through the same thing,
And lost my mj, Gwen Stacy,


Hey green! Keep! Your eyes on me!
I’m the spider you want, leave those other two petes!


Great call, I got your back,
Swing off that,
Loop de loop back around, and whack!

Do you know what I spidey sense?
Victory from the spider men,

Stan Lee Signed Amazing Spider-Man #107 Comic Book