How do you handle pressure, expectations, and finding your sense of self?
Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker, filmmaker Alan Seawright, and Cinema Therapy producer Sophie Téllez are reacting to Miles Morales and his journey in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. They discuss how Miles struggles to grow into himself and his power. Jono notes how much “shoulding” Miles endures, and Alan and Sophie nerd out about the groundbreaking animation. And Alan wants to go to Lord and Miller film school.
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Cinema Therapy is:
Written by: Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker, and Alan Seawright
Produced by: Jonathan Decker, Megan Seawright, Alan Seawright, Sophie Téllez, and Corinne Demyanovich
Edited by: Trevor Horton
Director of Photography: Bradley Olsen
English Transcription by: Anna Preis