These Pink GOLIATH Bird Eater TARANTULA are SAVAGE ~ Don’t mess with them !!!

Wow I feel good You know why I do I've got 10 UT's Apple pie says What kind of cringe intro is that well Mine anyways guys I've got 10 new Tarantulas in here yes 10 new tarantulas in here and they're Not those small small little tarantula Species like the like the genicula I'm Just kidding they get about eight inches But these guys get freaking 13 inches so I just collected these 10 from the the Usual you know that the seller that Gives you Burgers yeah the burger Tarantula Burger packing seller yes I Got 10 of these tarantulas from him and Look at them They're really huge man they're quite Huge as sleeks this is a sling size yes These guys 13 inches as adults you would Expect listening to be pretty big and They are look at that so I got them in These enclosures pretty much he said That I can just keep them in here until They outgrow it to their next re-house So he basically just put in damp Moss For me with some ventilation holes on The top so yeah that's how we're gonna House them for now and we are going to Be feeding them today in this video so Let's go look at it you can already see Their pink foot so that is how a pink Foot Goliath therapist apophises

Apophises how they look like as slings And we've got huge super worms yes when They are slings they can eat super worms Other slings we feed them mealworms Little baby turkeys and roaches These Guys these badass things they eat full Live superworms just like are adults so Let's see the first super one wall this One's a really active worm it's okay It's okay it's okay calm down little Buddy because you are gonna get eaten oh Look at that oh my gosh yeah these guys As young slings they grow pretty quickly As you would expect when you give them Big food but yeah at a certain age once They reach like a juvenile stage they'll Slow down their growth but yeah super Super cool let me show you mine so Earlier I bought three Apple vices if You guys remember it quite some time Back and they're already pretty big this Is one of them there's a girl yep There's a female I think it's about five To six inches there's another one in the Burrow coconut burrow over there both of These are females don't come out while I Show the third one okay so we have this Guy over here this one is a male well He's gonna mature out quicker than the Other two females so not sure if I Should keep him we'll see oh there he Goes so let's continue the feeding and I Got those three at that size or maybe Slightly smaller if you guys remember so

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Yeah we've got nine more so let's go to A super worm oh super worm you are gonna Get eaten no wait I think this one's in In Primo yeah because it's a little bit Different color compared to the first One yeah I think this one's in in in Primo because its colors are still very Very dark so yeah sorry super worm You'll get another tarantula and also I Know that that one's in Primo because I Don't see any more like for the ones That mold you can see there's a malt Over there that one I took out the most Oh super worm oh super worm are you Ready to get oh my gosh oh my wrestle That worm you you Let go the worm you let the worm go Buddy come on man I don't want freaking Worm is is like escaping it's escaping Into escaping come on grab the worm do You not want the worm You know I'll pre-kill this Worm for you All right I've got the worm pre-kill let Her scavenge sorry guys not all are Eating I'll try to make sure that this One eats for us okay come on come on I Taught them that we'll make sure that You eat come on come on come on come on What are you doing little buddy Come on let's grab the super worm there You go there you go Oh look at that oh Let go the super Worm but it's okay You're gonna go for an extra

There you go nice now you've got it more Under control [Music] Look at that Man I love feeding small tarantulas big Meals because they just go ballistic It's crazy man this is so freaking cool Then then you casually walking walking At the side but you're coming with me Cause this tarantula may be hungry yes She is hungry you were hungry let's grab The most super worm is going to save me A worm but you were hungry come and get It we aren't no you can't see from the Side said come on come on you know you Want it you know you want it you're Gonna probably grab it from the side man Like why are you even You don't know how to wrestle worms you Don't know how to rest worms come on Come on let's grab the worm scrip the Word grip the worm here you go come on No okay this one's gonna be pre-kill as Well 10 10 . See the first pre-kilt one she took it Yep some of them are more aggressive so They'll just tackle it and wrestle with The Worm but some of them they're more Timid so yeah I pre-kill the Worm for Them man we're running out of super Worms I think yeah I think we do have The exact amount to feed everyone or Maybe we have a little bit more but I'm Gonna have to go buy more Super worms

See also  My most POTENT tarantula DIED when I’m in Indonesia :(

[Music] Look at that oh you can see some of the Worm juices coming out already I feel so evil man I feel so evil like Like feeding these little innocent Little no they're not innocent they'll Bite you they'll paint you hard so far We've got three who took life once one Took a pre-kill one is still haven't Taken the pre-kill and once in primo and We've got four more yeah we've got a Moat aimed tarantula so now we've got a Super worm a super worm come on yeah Oh that's it that's it you got it nice Nice the ones that take they just really Wrestle It To The Ground man You guys if you haven't got your hands On the therofoster Apple pieces oh man You can see one punctual wound there go And get one man you are missing out if You haven't got one of the species now I Have had a stormy before remember death Nugget yeah that was my only stormy so There are three therofosas I believe Epithesis thermy and Blondie and so far I've kept Apple vices and stormy I have Not kept blonde yet I'll probably get That very very soon okay so here's Another one another one come on and grab The soup oh you just bit it you just bit It you just bit come on yes second round Second round come on word move move a Little bit move there we go that's it Come on come on grab it or do you need

Some encouragement do you need some Encouragement yeah come on grab it there You go there you go good job buddy good Freaking job just need a little bit of Encouragement with the tongs and you Know tongs are for the week right but it Is what it is dude you need something Even if it makes you weak you need it Come on [Music] Talking about rambling about oh well Okay let's move on to well we've got two More so let's go okay I'm guessing this One's about to molt because it laid a Wet mat I'm not sure if it's gonna oh Wait it already molted okay okay so That's not a map for you tomorrow maybe It was maybe she molted on that mat but We're gonna try to get for a worm anyway So let's see how this goes yep yep yep Yep it's not even focused come on man Come on come on come on come on yeah Yeah come on grab the Wormy the Wormy The Wormy before it Burrows it's gonna Burrow come on it's gonna burrow there You go yeah no you need me to pre-kill This one for you [Music] Yeah that's pretty much how I pre-killed Them but I missed for this one but yeah I know I I I don't know if this one is Going to Pre-kill this worm because Tea does not seem to be wait be right

See also  Tarantula Feeding Video COMPILATION ~ When my spiders were still young !!!

Back okay done you could see that she Actually wanted the worm before because She immediately attacked it usually if Tarantulas don't want any food they Would just run away or threat posture But this one she pretty much went for it So maybe she's not ready to tackle such A big and active prey okay so last but Not the least let's see how this one Tackled hopefully this one gives us a Good take down because it's the last one This one could be in Primo like the Second one just now because I don't see Any molt in the enclosure and the color Is quite dull but let's see regardless If it'll take a worm if you're happy and You know we grab the worm yeah I don't Think this one's hungry because she Didn't even Jump on It come on yep see See what I mean I told you before if a Tarantula doesn't want to eat they will Either run away or threat posture like This one thread posturing and running Away so unfortunate fortunately The last feeding was not a success it's Not a success so yeah we'll let those Two more and then hopefully in the Future we'll get a nicer takedown from Them so yeah guys that will be it for Today's video we have got 10 new Tarantulas I feel good and yeah I'll see You in the next video stay safe guys Take care peace
