So oh my gosh what the Heck is happening hey look at that He's actually making a sperm web so this Is what a sperm web looks like it's Kind of like an umbrella kind of thing And he goes Down and lays his sperm over there Versus for some reason i Don't know i guess that's how tarantulas Work and then he will get his pellet Pops And he will go under like this later so Yeah that is a sperm web and we're gonna Be pairing him with Both of my females after he has done With his sperm web so yeah i don't know Why my friend Housed him in this kind of enclosure With no substrate but It is what it is and he's gonna have two New girlfriends So i was mentioning earlier this is how He's gonna pick up his sperm So as you can see now he has pretty much Done depositing his sperm on the web And now he's gonna use his paddy pops Which is his two front Arms to pick up the sperm Which he was doing earlier and now Because i'm using a flashlight on my Camera He just oh there we go he just stopped Doing it but That is him picking up his sperm
Which is awesome but the thing is my Friend mentioned that he Matured out about two months ago So i'm pretty sure he's done sperm Before but look at that It's actually so cool but yeah then Again Like i said i don't know why my friend Put him in An enclosure with no substrate no idea But I guess he has his own reasons but look At that That is so cool so yeah i think After he has done this sperm thing We can pair him with my female look at His eyes Super cool i just put the male in with The female and They're already doing the thing so that Is awesome Yo what's happening all right here we go Is he gonna push her up he's not in the Best position But yep i think he's going in for it Check the bottom Yep let's go let's go you can see over There It's gonna like insert Hopefully sort of it's not very clear Because i'm filming Through the glass because if i open the Glass it is very highly likely that the Female will retreat back into a burrow
So We're just going to be leaving you like This now i decided to leave him in with The female because for belfories It is fine because the previous meal That mated with them with with my female I left them in for like for like a month Or two and the female never eat them Because about four weeks they Can actually live together they're a Communal species so That's why i decided to leave the meal In higher chances of them mating Man it's been like 20 minutes and they Have not done anything It's just in that position so i mean This is a pairing video right And i i'm not gonna be standing here Because i am literally Just standing because the enclosure is Like up top And if i just put it down the female Will probably go back into her height And That will be the end of the pairing and I can't put a tripod because we are Quite high So since this is a pairing video let's Do double pairing i have a rose hair Tarantula over here let's pair him With my female so yeah i'll probably Leave The belfory in with the female hello Grandmaster polka so yeah i think i'm
Gonna be Because i tried pairing him with that One and yeah We're gonna try to pair with this one Okay boy let's go Come on let's go come on what you doing Get out there we go whoa where are you Going where are you No no no go in in find your girlfriend Go there we go okay i don't know how This is going to go Hopefully he will pair with pair before Us I was just going to say pair with us oh That's not going to be good All right so let's see let's see let's Just wait oh fema's turning around She definitely senses him and now we're Just gonna have to wait and see What happens after this oh boy Oh female's tapping female wants him But does he want her come on boy let's Go back up Oh there we go sweet so i'm not sure if He Wants to pair but the female definitely Wants to bear so yeah just had to give a Little bit of encouragement Hopefully we get some nice pairings Today otherwise this video is going to Be Two pairing fails but yeah let's just Wait There we go you saw his legs move i
Wonder what's happening with the bell Foreign Going to check because this one is more Likely to meet faster Compared to those guys i'm just going to Sit down here And just wait maybe i'll put this down Because my legs are getting a little bit Tired I think i'll just set the tripod because Why not okay these guys are not doing Anything now i'm sure it's about four is They're actually doing something Well at least they were i mean the Female went in a little bit not sure if He actually managed to insert Oh whoa okay i can see the rose has from Here And they are not doing anything So let's see hopefully sorry it's a Little bit blurred Okay back to rosias you know what i Could put this Under the lid and put my tripod on the Lid Something like this there we go Ow i accidentally hit my butt on the Roach bin But yeah it looks like they moved a Little bit There's a movement what are you doing Boy What are you doing well this is one Position that i've never seen before
Look at my polka what on earth is she Doing look at her legs She's like what i don't even know man i Don't even know All right back to this Yes oh my gosh okay okay Okay what was that what on earth was That I'm not sure if the male actually made a Sperm web like Before this pairing so oh my Gosh what the heck is happening the Girl's not even doing anything She's chill it's the male that is a Little bit like on the crazy side Look at the female she's so cute the Male what is up with him Seriously what is wrong with him okay You know what i'm going to Try to get him back into his enclosure Oh My gosh yeah this is one crazy male You know what i'm going to get him out Come back in there we go what the heck Oh my gosh yo yo no Freaking no stay in oh my God what are you doing what are you Doing what are you doing bro Get in oh man i'm using one hand and This Is not going as planned this is not Really going as planned Okay man so fast Rose hairs man you know what i'm gonna
Go make an Enclosure for him put some cocopeat in Cocoa fiber Girl maybe another time maybe another Time let's do a quick check on about 40 Before we end this video See what i mean they're still in the Meeting position but Oh i was just about to say nothing much Is really happening But i mean yeah oh is did he actually Finish I think he actually finished mating well It's okay you see the female does not Look like she's gonna attack him what is He doing still vibrating and stuff i Don't know man but I'll leave the mail in and the females Coming back out yup i'll leave the mail In And hopefully we'll have babies in the Future Look at him still going at it it's still Like i'm here i'm here oh females coming Back out man these guys They take literally forever to meet Wait what wait you're going in again i Was just gonna end the video man Oh wait he may actually insert now i've No idea what's happening Female why don't you come out more oh Never mind anyways guys i'm pretty sure You know how tarantula is made right so I don't have to just sit there and watch
The belfories we'll do an update on the Mail in the future and yeah let's go get An enclosure a temporary enclosure For this guy look at him they're just There This one's also pretty rarely out this Is my non-decorative losses just Recently molten and Yup going back into her borough all Right girl We'll see you in another video very very Shy girl This girl like what does this even mean This is such a weird position Does she send the grandma stella rosea Because this is grandma's solar polka That she sent another mail somewhere and She's getting excited i have no idea Let's temporarily put the rose hair in Here i think he'll do fine This used to be the belfory's uh So-called enclosure but yeah let's give This a clean He'll be fine in here for a while put a Little bit of substrate for him And put him in all right got some Coconut fiber over here Cocoa fiber and this one's a little bit Different this is a new one that i Bought Just wanted to try it out it's a little Bit i don't know it's like really fluffy But Yeah let's put the meal in here it's
Definitely gonna be better than This enclosure i mean enclosure so Yeah let's get him in and call it a day Yeah it's gonna be a little bit of a Small enclosure but That is fine tarantulas don't need a lot Of space Hello whoa whoa whoa you stay in all Right I guess they'll be in for this video We'll try pairing him again Once he makes another sperm web i don't Know if he made another sperm whip so Maybe that's why he didn't want to meet Anyways guys We'll see and hopefully he has some more Time to go Because grandma's stolen mature males They live for quite a long time Compared to the baboons anyways we'll See you in the next video take care have A good one and peace Oh my gosh i'm so sorry ah perfect way To end the video he actually has Finished inserting a successful pairing Let's go It's actually going in again but yep Success success hopefully He uh manages to produce some Babies