This is why you DON’T put TARANTULAs in BIG TANKS.

In this blog post, you will learn why it is crucial not to place tarantulas in large tanks.

This is why you DON’T put TARANTULAs in BIG TANKS


Exotics Lair, a popular content creator focusing on tarantulas, recently released a video emphasizing the importance of appropriately sized enclosures for tarantulas. The video sheds light on why oversized tanks can lead to stress for these fascinating creatures. Let’s delve into the key takeaways from this informative video.

Importance of Proper Enclosures

In the wild, tarantulas thrive in confined spaces where they can exhibit natural behaviors freely. When kept in enclosures that are too large, tarantulas may feel exposed and stressed, leading to adverse health effects.

  • Appropriately sized enclosures allow tarantulas to feel secure.
  • Enclosures that match a tarantula’s natural habitat provide stimulation and promote well-being.

Tracking Feeding Habits

Understanding a tarantula’s feeding habits is vital, especially for species that spend most of their time underground. Monitoring feeding habits enables owners to prevent starvation and ensure their tarantula’s health and longevity.

  • Regularly tracking feeding patterns helps detect changes in appetite.
  • Adequate monitoring aids in identifying potential health issues early on.

Rehousing for Better Care

In the video, Exotics Lair announces plans to rehouse a specific tarantula, Selena cosmia Japanese, for better monitoring and care. The new enclosure designed for Selena cosmia Japanese features a simple yet effective layout with a deep substrate mix, allowing for easy observation of the tarantula’s activities.

  • Rehousing tarantulas allows for closer inspection and care.
  • Deep substrate mix facilitates tracking and enhances the tarantula’s comfort.
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Location Within the Enclosure

The way a tarantula sets up its space within the enclosure, whether through burrows or webs, significantly impacts the rehousing process and feeding observations. Understanding a tarantula’s preferred spots aids in providing a suitable environment for it to thrive.

  • Observing the tarantula’s chosen spots gives insights into its behavior.
  • Adapting the enclosure to match the tarantula’s preferences promotes a stress-free environment.

Emphasizing Health and Safety

Exotics Lair highlights the importance of Selena cosmia Japanese’s health and safety throughout the video. By carefully planning the rehousing process and ensuring a stress-free transition, the content creator demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of their tarantulas.

  • Prioritizing tarantula health through safe handling practices.
  • Creating a stress-free environment for tarantulas promotes overall health and longevity.


In conclusion, Exotics Lair’s video serves as a reminder of the significance of proper enclosure sizing and attentive care for tarantulas. By maintaining suitable living conditions, monitoring feeding habits, and ensuring stress-free rehousing processes, tarantula owners can enhance the well-being of their beloved pets.


  1. Why is it crucial to avoid oversized enclosures for tarantulas?
  2. How can tracking a tarantula’s feeding habits benefit its health?
  3. What should owners consider when rehousing a tarantula for better monitoring?
  4. How does a tarantula’s enclosure setup influence its behavior and well-being?
  5. Why is prioritizing a tarantula’s health essential in captivity?