Today is this little SPIDER’s LUCKY DAY !!! ~ One juicy Cockroach COMING RIGHT UP !!!

Puffy Lux

2nd channel :
~ Beyond the Lair

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As I was doing some editing on my computer, I noticed a small movement on my Cyriocosmus elegans’ enclosure. Turns out it was a little Jumping Spider. So being me.. I decided to grab a Turkistan Roach to see if it’ll eat on camera 😀

** This video was made purely for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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@XoticsLair ~

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@exoticslair ~
@exoticslair_gallery ~

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@ExoticsLair ~

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Exotics Lair ~

Music from YouTube Audio Library :
Causmic – The High Line

* THANK YOU for your support !!!
New patrons (if any) will be listed in a future (not necessarily the next, as I do pre-film & edit videos, and schedule them for upload) video.

See also  Amazon Driver Kills Spider