Do not do this oh yep thankfully it's a Life That's a good thing oh my This right here is literally the Best drink ever created go get one if You have not tried Welcome back to another unboxing video Which i Pretty much just did so it has been a Long Long long time since i have bought some Spiders from my usual Seller and today we have got you guys Know right that The burger kind of packaging that's what We have in here Oh yes nothing in here all right let's Get this open i'm so excited As usual very very good padding he uses Damn a lot of newspapers Look at that layer after layer Just super good insulation really really Oh there we go There we go the tin foil very very good Insulation i really like how the seller Packs his teeth that's why I'm always a returning customer and After The foil which is super good insulation Freaking Stuck to my hand there is damp cotton Or is this tissue no it's actually Cotton look at that it's like a Like a gauze i think and inside the
Cotton Even more tinfoil for those who don't Know how to pack tarantulas just watch This video in reverse And yeah you'll know how to pack your Tarantula properly All right got the this thing off and the Best part about this See it is wet so this is very very cold And for hot weather Over here yeah it doesn't have smell I don't know why it smelled that but Yeah for hot weather that is perfect More tinfoil which i'm gonna have to get The tape Off somehow there we go Oh even more man his packaging has Improved because before this He only used one layer of this uh cotton And no second layer of tin foil so This is awesome all right let's go so We have got yep the usual what you call This The fruit kind of packaging and then we Have the teas All in the container which is inside the Fruit packaging So yeah let's see open tape so yeah Let's get this open Hopefully all the teeth are okay get More of this and then we've got tissue Damp tissue as well and then more of the Fruit Oh there we go that right here look at
This Look at that you guys look at the amount Of Let's go let's oh my gosh i'm so sorry Let's go man oh my gosh So we have got and a photopalmasimani All right so this king kraton is Actually my friend so I'm gonna have to give it to him it is a Dark earth tiger Then we've got sama poise redunkus which Is mine My friend got the kenko chan and and Utaitani Which is over here utai Which is yeah with taitani so he's got One king chan One with taitani and the rest are pretty Much mine all here Pretty much my i spent about two hundred Dollars i think for all of these I think a really good deal so we've got A simani redunkus Redonkus and another redundancy all of Them are Are doing well i guess yeah So far any dead no dead so far these Four What's this what is ant oh nando Chromatus Super tiny oh man i prepared these Enclosures and they are like Freaking huge i think i'm gonna have to Get even smaller enclosures after this
Anyways we have got another nando Chromatus Alive what's this a fauna palma c money Man this is going to be really fun all Right so we've got another Nandu chromatus a sama pois Armenia which is the venezuelan sun Tiger hmm What are you doing yep still alive Right should be alive and then in a Phono palma See money so i've got i think farsi Monies There we go another see money They don't seem to be moving much focus There we go But i think they should be fine and then We've got another song for Donkeys and then what's this selma Poyous armenia Armenia Yeah i got three utaitani's as well i Guess There we go with taitani and then Another with thai Bunny i hope they're all alive i have Got one two Three four five six seven eight and i Did little two of thirty forty fifteen Seventeen tarantulas over here that is Insane man That is freaking insane all right so Since These enclosures are like super massive
For these links I never even expected them to be so dang Small So as you can see my phone fell It's so tiny and can you imagine if it's In this enclosure I will not be able to locate it and like Keep track of it eating So i have found these containers which i Will be Putting them in so yeah way smaller Way more suitable for these little Slings and a lot of people when they get Tarantulas Just dump them into like huge enclosures It is Not recommended because tarantulas in The wild They stay in like tiny tiny holes so the Smaller It's actually the smaller is actually Better than bigger to be honest but Of course don't make it too small the General rule is The enclosure should be three times uh Yeah three to four times the Leg span of the tarantula yeah so they Will be happy In these enclosures but now what i'm Gonna be doing Is like poking holes at the side so i've Got a needle over here I have got a lighter which i will be Lighting up
This candle and basically what i'm gonna Be doing Is i'm gonna be using the needle to Pretty much Heat it up let it become hot and poke Holes On the sides of these enclosures Something like that So i'm just gonna be poking two rows all Around the enclosure And that way the torrential can breathe And there will be some ventilations Inside i'm not gonna be poking the top Just crossed ventilation oh yeah believe It or not all the tarantulas that you See in this room right All the big ones most of them i got them When they were Around this size and from the same Cellar as well so I've been keeping them for quite a while And that Is the last one There we go all right so now i'm gonna Go get some Oh man that took me a while i'm gonna go Get some substrate to put In and then we can put the tarantulas in Them All right so i've got some damp coconut Fiber over here it's just plain cocoa Fiber Now i'm gonna be filling up how many Because two of my friends so i have one
Two three four five six seven eight nine Weight i just lost count One two three four five six seven eight Nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen Fifteen Seventeen yeah so i've got sorry I just counted all of them without with One breath so Yeah 17 so i'm going to be filling up 17 Containers and we can start the re-house All right so we've got 17 enclosures over here prepared so Basically Yeah you can see because the aircon is On you can see some A little bit of condensation over there But that's fine Let's rehouse the slings All right so i went to block a I went to pluck a leaf and this is what We're going to be using to get them out Of these little vials Okay i've set up the tripod now i've got Both hands to do stuff All right so let's let's start off with The phonopelma c money because this Should be pretty easy okay So let's get the leaf And slowly prune her out there we go There we go first one in a phonopelma Simoni next up let's do another One of hellmaster mania let's finish up All the semanis first Just so we can get them out of the way
All right so let's see how this one Behaves because Not all of them are going to be behaving The same way A lot of them i mean for the most part Tarantulas They are pretty different when it comes To personality There goes the other one straight down Front of helmet see money Number two awesome all right let's go For the c Money number three so Let's go i think this is gonna be like i Don't know it's gonna be a very long Video So oh there's there goes the third one See money number three very very easy Because these simani's are Pretty much new worlds and they're a fun Pelmas so They are pretty easy when it comes to Dealing with so yeah let's go Let's go fourth one so So the c monies are doing well which is Awesome there we go 4c money is done now you may be Wondering Why am i yeah some poise redundance Arboreals Why am i rehousing them into a Terrestrial enclosure Well as slings these guys are Pretty how can i say they don't really
Climb much They're more like They they burrow s-linked as adults even Adults they burrow But but as slings they borrow Even oh gosh they borrow even more So yep Hey hey what you doing what are you Doing man get down get down Get in so yeah as links they they burrow Even more which is why i'm keeping them In These get down there we go i'm keeping Them in these little containers for now Because They are slings and they borrow a lot so I'm rambling a lot in this video I'm more concentrated on rehousing the Tarantulas But yeah that is what we are going to be Doing with them As they grow bigger i will i actually do Have To no no no arboreal acrylic enclosures Already Prepared for them well not prepared but Ready for them when they Grow older so yeah for those who are Wondering by the way get down Man get down there we go um these are One inch delhi no not one inch one ounce Deli containers deli cups which is Perfect For tiny slings like this unlike the
Ones that i Prepared earlier those are just Freaking massive man hello Look at that look at that i wonder how Long this video is actually going to be Because i'm doing this i'm doing the Re-housing parts Pretty much in one take so you guys can Actually see what's going on I'm not going to be cutting out the rear Housing parts so Yeah if any of them bolt out You will be able to pretty much see what Happens Here there we go song toys r donkeys Number Three and wait i think he gave me a free Redunkus Because i only ordered three but then Now i have four I'm not complaining thank you dude Because i think i bought a lot And he's like yeah just throw away the Free redunkus for him Which is sweet wow surprisingly They are pretty well behaved today Because redundance i mean solo polis as Slings They can be pretty bulky and Yeah very very unpredictable but It's good we're all good okay wait here Is another chromatus Wait a minute i ordered two chromatus he Actually gave me
Three so he gave me one free chromatic As well Sick thank you dude if you're watching This Really appreciate it awesome So yeah because i think also because i'm Like a regular Customer of his so Man the chromatis is tiny absolutely Tiny oh man oh gosh Look at how tiny it is crazy tiny Get in what you doing get in go There we go that's a new home enjoy your New home little dude So yeah chromatus done we've got We're doing the chromaticists now Chromatus chromatus Nandu chromatus the brazilian red and Man why can't i open this there we go Red and white i believe Comment down below if i'm wrong because I am not Very good with common names i always Forget them so I mean scientific names are pretty much The way to go for tarantulas So yeah chromat is number two done Wow this rehousing is going way way Better than i expected i expected this To be like A really long video and Wanted to like upload it on the extras Channel But apparently not is going very very
Quick which is awesome i can upload it On this channel So yeah i'm not sure if you guys saw That but Yeah really really tiny not even as big As A fingernail so that's cool Oh yeah if you guys didn't see um we Have Two holes all around cross ventilation So we can never have too much Ventilation For tarantulas oh boy we have got Three uthai tonys that is going to be Now we're left with six more which is Three armenias and three utaitanis Which is going to be pretty interesting Now the armenias wait what's wrong with You Are you still alive or i think this one Just molted but where's the moat It's alive are you still alive Bro wait a minute Oh you're dead you're freaking dead man Ah dang it alright so this one Yeah just molt it so i guess [Music] I'm going to be sending this clip to him But yeah that's fine Sad one armenia i mean yeah armenia it's All opposed armenia Did not make it but oh well Ah man it's okay It's okay we've got i think two more
Armenias if i'm not mistaken Hopefully hopefully Those guys are yep this one's doing fine Hello little armenia please come out Man these guys they they bite off all of The the Tissue as you can see sorry it's not Focus Focus phone there we go you can see they Bite off all the tissue Which is i don't know but Go on get in get in little Oh hello hi hi what you doing What are you doing please get in your Container Please please what you doing man this is Not the time to play games This is the time to freaking go in your Oh What do you this is why i'm doing this As one single take because stuff like This Are bound to happen especially when You're dealing with Freaking armenia there we go So some of those armenia number one or Number two One diet so okay I'm doing the utaitani as the last ones Because those are going to be a real Pain Those are going to bolt so here's the Second armenia Second armenia okay
Um yep this one to life cool so i guess That one That single one molted because i think It Actually freshly molted hey get in Get in do not come out freaking boreals Man There we go so we've got two armenia Done oh boy we are left with three Uttai dani with itani oh man This is going to be fun it's going to be A hell of fun Because these are pretty much asian Species and Bolty as heck Let's see wish me luck guys can already See the little guy in there Wish me luck oh boy Oh there you go there you freaking go All right wait let me maybe i can do This Slowly and oh Whoa there we go one down wow You saw it bolt right Oh boy two more let's do this i think This video is gonna be like over 20 Minutes But that's fine that is fine hopefully You guys watch all the way though Oh boy this one's like ready to ball Already Oh gosh that's gonna be fun and they Are they're bigger than Oh oh whoa whoa there you go
What did i say what did i say Uh what am i gonna do I'm gonna use one empty one as a catch Cup There we go so maybe you can oh My gosh bruh what are you even doing You know what actually these guys these Utaitani we can rehouse them into these Containers because they are already Pretty big And i don't want To be as you can see what they're doing What it is doing I don't want to be having to re-house it Again Anytime soon so Okay get down yeah you get down you Stayed a Fool freaking out man These with taitangs i tell you oh my Gosh Get in oh god Oh my oh there we go boom Oh man now i'm gonna have to get that Other with haitani which i just moved Into the smaller deli cup into one of Those This is going to be not fun Where where was it yeah this one oh boy You know what i think i think I'm just going to i'm just going to pour This in Get in my friend uh yeah there it is It's over there okay
That's easy enough okay so now we have Got the Last utaitani let's put my tripod Position it back to where it's supposed To be And then the last but not least Let's go guys let's go Ah man please I beg of you i freaking beg of you man Do not do this oh yep thankfully it's Alive That's a good thing oh my Did you see that that you're freaking Sorry my legs are so Freaking hairy but did you see that These asian species are insane man Freaking insane oh Here we go the freaking This is so fun oh whoa stay Better freaking yes All right guys i think this video is Ready Long enough i will see you in the next One Take care have a good one and peace