How to Handle Bees With Confidence

To start beekeeping one of the tips one would like to learn is when to manipulate bees. In bee farming one can examine bee colonies on warm and sunny days than on cold, windy and rainy days when the older bees stay in hive. Abundance of nectar also makes it easier for a beekeeper to examine the bees. Spring is the best time to examine the bees because of smaller populations.

What Are Types of Bees in the World?

There are three types of bees commonly in a colony. Each other have a different job. Those three types of bees are the most familiar in varieties in bee colony. But you may find any other types of bees in special sorts of bees as well.

Insect Feed Now Available Online

Looking for crickets, mealworms, super worms, fruit flies or hissing cockroaches? Or perhaps your pet is in for a treat and you want some chocolate covered crickets? Once upon a time, you couldn’t get these products unless you went down to the insect store and picked them off the shelf. Times have changed though and as with everything else, insect feed products for your pet reptile are now available online!

Scorpion Species Care

If you decided that one of the scorpion species is for you then the next step is to set up a suitable environment in which your pet can thrive. This article sets you on the path to having a happy, healthy scorpion.

Keeping a Pet Emperor Scorpion

There are many unique and unusual animals that are enjoying an increase in popularity among pet owners. One such animal is the scorpion. There are many different types of scorpions that are gaining popularity as a household pet, but the emperor scorpion is the one most commonly found in homes. Although this pet certainly is not one that you will let rest in your lap while you watch television, they are very clean animals that are easy to care for. In order to help your emperor scorpion live to its full life expectancy of six to eight years, however, it is important to know how to properly care for this exotic pet.

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Beekeeping – Tips on How to Handle Bees and Brood Examinations

Intruders are going to get stung by the bees protecting the hive. As a beekeeper you will have to be prepared to receive your share of stings. If you have any fear of bees or of being stung, you will have to conquer those apprehensions. As you gain confidence and more adept at the handling of the bees, the stings will happen less frequently.

Beekeeping – Understanding Nectar Substitutes

Plants have a glandular secretion, called nectar, which usually collects at the base of the flowers. Bees depend on this nectar for their source of energy.

Worm Farming is Wonderful

Frequently individuals decide to raise chickens while there are others who prefer livestock but if you want to help the soil and restore all of it’s lost nutrients then you build a worm farm instead of buying one. The nice thing about creating your own worm farm is that it does not cost cost very much. The only thing you will need are 3 or 4 stacked bins or plastic crates wood or some other light and water resistant material, a few worms, a strip of insect screen to go on the bottom torn up newsprint, yard earth or potting …

How to Start a Worm Farm

Getting started on a worm farm is not that complicated, all you’ll need is a love for recycling and a little bit of worm trivia so here’s some worm trivia that could help motivate and inspire you with your new venture. How much do worms usually eat? Mature worms capable of eating up to three times their own body weight every day and for those who are just starting in the world of worms and what to know how to make the worms eat more and have  a lot more productivity.

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Giant Ant Farm

The major limitation from getting an ant farm is the time it takes to obtain your ants. After getting the farm and setting it up you mail your credential back to the corporation and then your ants are transported.

Keeping an Insect Or Spider As a Pet

Are you interested in having an exotic insect or spider as a pet? If you are someone that loves creepy crawly pets, owning an insect or a spider can be a great option for you. In general, insects and spiders are easy to care for and are very quiet and clean.

Antworks Ant Farm – 21st Century Ant Farming

Have you heard of the Antworks Ant Farm? I recently came across it and I just thought it was the neatest ant farm I have ever seen!