WATERING my TARANTULAS maintenance style 💦 #shorts

Welcome to our blog post about watering our tarantulas! As tarantula enthusiasts, we understand the importance of proper maintenance for these fascinating creatures. In this article, we will delve into the essential aspects of tarantula watering and share our tried and tested tips to ensure their well-being. So, join us as we dive into the world of caring for these unique arachnids and discover the best practices for keeping them properly hydrated. Let’s get started!


In this article, we will discuss the importance of maintenance watering for tarantulas and the steps we take to ensure their habitats remain comfortable and suitable for their well-being. Our routine includes regular watering, topping up their water supply, and ensuring that the substrate is dampened adequately. We also address the occasional challenges we face with ungrateful tarantulas and provide solutions to overcome them. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of tarantula maintenance watering!

Maintenance Watering Routine for Tarantulas

To provide the best care for our tarantulas, we follow a consistent maintenance watering routine. Here are the steps we take to ensure their comfort and hydration:

  1. Regular Watering:

    • We do maintenance watering for our tarantulas once or twice a week, depending on their specific needs. Regular watering is vital to ensure they have access to fresh water.
    • We top up their water to ensure it doesn’t deplete between scheduled waterings. This practice ensures that our tarantulas always have a source of hydration.
  2. Dampening the Enclosure:

    • To maintain a suitable humidity level, we dampen about 1/3 of the enclosure for our tarantulas and other creatures residing in the habitat. This ensures that the environment is favorable for their growth and molt.
  3. Refilling the Water Dish:

    • As part of our maintenance routine, we regularly refill the water dish and overflow it to wet the substrate. This helps in maintaining the overall humidity within the enclosure, providing a comfortable environment for our tarantulas.
  4. Encouraging Movement:

    • Sometimes, our tarantulas can be a bit stubborn and may not readily move during the watering process. In such cases, we gently blow on them to encourage movement and ensure that they don’t stay stagnant for prolonged periods.
  5. Dealing with Substrate Issues:

    • Occasionally, our tarantulas may display ungrateful behavior by filling their water dish with substrate. While this can be frustrating, we have devised a solution to mitigate this problem. We wash off the substrate and discard it in the bin to prevent contamination of the water dish.
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Maintaining a proper watering routine is an essential aspect of tarantula care. Through regular watering, dampening the enclosure, and refilling the water dish, we ensure that our tarantulas have a comfortable and suitable habitat. Encouraging movement and addressing substrate issues further contribute to their overall well-being. By adhering to this maintenance style, we can provide the best possible living conditions for our tarantulas.


  1. How often should I water my tarantula?

    • We recommend watering tarantulas once or twice a week, depending on their specific needs.
  2. Should I top up the water in their dish?

    • Yes, it is essential to top up the water in their dish regularly to ensure a constant source of hydration.
  3. Why do you dampen only 1/3 of the enclosure?

    • Dampening 1/3 of the enclosure helps maintain the necessary humidity level without making the entire habitat excessively moist.
  4. What should I do if my tarantula fills its water dish with substrate?

    • In such cases, it is best to wash off the substrate and discard it to prevent contamination of the water dish.
  5. Can I use a spray bottle to water my tarantula?

    • While using a spray bottle can be convenient, it is essential to ensure that the tarantula’s habitat offers a suitable water dish for easier access to hydration.

Please Note: It is crucial to conduct thorough research on your specific tarantula species to tailor your watering routine accordingly.
