WEDNESDAY’S BOYFRIEND Came in the MAIL!.. Breeding Velvet Spiders, PO Unboxing

Is he nice oh well he hopefully [Music] Live animal contents common names velvet Spider hmm we're gonna get to that box Soon but first I've accumulated a little Bit of mail from my P.O box that I Wanted to open so yeah let's just get Right into it The first package we are going to open Is from JC So let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh cute very pretty packaging oh my gosh They're stickers oh they are so cute That's like a mint jumping spider a Little strawberry one and a little Pumpkin pie one these are absolutely Adorable I believe it's from this Website look at that thank you so much This next package comes from Amazon I it Doesn't have a name so I have no idea oh There is a little gift thing the other Reason I got into keeping tarantulas I Got one for my car and thought it was The cutest enjoy Oh is this for the uh vents for your car Yeah it looks like it yeah refreshinger Thing you put little oh I see Jasmine Yeah oh that is so cool it has little Diamonds on it too thank you so much Brooke this next one comes from a friend Of mine I met on Instagram her handle is

Espresso geckos she actually makes a lot Of really cool jumping spider Playgrounds and I really like her Content I recently sent her like a Little bit of like like a keychain and Some Merchant stuff and so I guess she Sent me something back and we can open It together Oh what is this Oh cool it's some little crystals it Looks like amethyst and possibly black Tourmaline and quartz more crystals oh My gosh so many tumbles and look at this Big oh wow what is this one I'm not sure Help me out in the comments what this is But I love it oh carefully put it back So this is what I was really most Excited about it is espresso geckos Blend Coffee so they make this coffee And I am a big coffee person I always Have coffee with me like it is like my Main drink of choice I love iced coffee Especially but Mr tarantula cat and I Love to also just make coffee at home or Other drinks we also make a lot of like Oat milk chocolate milk like Anyway this Is awesome we will for sure try this out Oh Oh my God it smells so good oh here's The card espresso gecko Judy's gonna try To get into this coffee you can't have That She just burped in my face I don't think You could hear that but she did oh this

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Is so cute it's a little hide for Jumping spiders it's a walnut with like A little piece of um hemp around it moss And a magnet last thing of course Stickers lots of them oh this one is Really cool and some crested geckos oh That one's so adorable I really Appreciate it Emily and I will let you Know how I like this coffee so this Package actually comes from the same Person who sent me this velvet spider I'm about to unbox so let's open this up First and then we will open the Velvet Spider Oh wow so this comes from velvety green Also somebody I met on Instagram really Love their content lots of velvet spider Stuff lots of jumping spider stuff she's Really become a good friend of mine Hi friend I hope you love the flame as Much as I love them I think she sent me Soap she made before I'm pretty sure I Know she sent me crystals before and Hides look at that oh whoa fat geez that Is so generous of you look at how big This piece is in the little flecks that Shimmer oh my God I love this I wish my Nails were done better for this oh a Little skull very cute I don't know what What is this one It's really cool I have a moonstone one Kind of similar to this thank you so Much so yeah I guess now it's time to Talk about this little package also from

Velvety green as you can see on the slip It says live animal contents common name Velvet spider gandana minnows species Which is the exact same species of Velvet spider that Miss Wednesday here Is I'm not sure if Wednesday's gonna Really make an appearance in this video But this is for her this is this is Really exciting so let me open it up and We'll talk more about it Foreign Moment of Truth More worms Oh here he is oh my God he's So little she warned me that he was Gonna be little the mature males are Significantly smaller than the females But yeah there he is it looks like he Came out of his little little Moss spot To uh hang out on the bottom he made it Here safely Let's uh let's let him out So you might be wondering where his Enclosure is this is his enclosure and You guys are probably like that's Wednesday's enclosure and you are right So this is actually going to be a Boyfriend for Miss Wednesday and so he Is actually going to go directly into This that makes me kind of nervous I'm Not gonna lie I don't want him to get Eaten but what I have recently learned Is that this species of velvet spider is Actually very compatible to live Together and they're very communal I'm Not sure if like ear assists and stuff

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Are the same but these are also some Gandana minnow echinada babies I have The same as Wednesday you can see right Is that a mole or is that yeah There's one and then the other is right Here as long as they're the same size I've been told that they are totally Fine to live together so once these grow A little bit more they are siblings I do Actually plan on rehousing them into the Same enclosure really good to know so Because they are communal and because This guy is specifically here to breed With Miss Wednesday we're going to put Him right in this enclosure with her and Hopefully they'll hit it off this Probably means that I'm not going to Catch them actually breeding Unfortunately but that's okay this is Probably like the best way to like make Sure that they actually breed Thank you Here we go Trying to be very careful so I'm not Really sure like what the lifespan is on Mature male velvet spiders I'm guessing It's probably shorter than like you know Females as per most the spider world but I don't know Oh my gosh she's so little Hi buddy What do we think Is he nice oh well he hopefully [Music]

Finally he's holding still on my hand so Yeah this is a mature male he is Significantly smaller than Wednesday but You can tell how he does look different He has a very similar abdomen but look At how big his pedapelps are that's Probably because he has embolai and then His coloring on his carapace is also Pretty different too so I actually did Just feed Wednesday about two days ago I Don't feed her too terribly often not as Often as my jumping spiders but it does Look like she did take the prey which is Great so I am going to pop her new Friend in if he'll go in the right Direction that'd be great Oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry buddy Albert are You okay are you ready to go meet your Girlfriend so I'm gonna have to be Really careful about this enclosure and Making sure that the holes will be Plugged up so nobody gets out if we do Have babies Albert is down there And then here is where Wednesday resides You're not gonna see her she's like way Deep down in there but she does come up Just enough at night usually for me to Catch her out so I do actually see her Out pretty frequently just at least her Little feet up here so I'm definitely Gonna check on her tonight and you know I'll see if she comes out at all I'll See if he makes his way to her that Would be so cool if I was able to catch

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Them doing something but like I'm not Gonna get my hopes up because obviously [Music] Foreign [Music] This is just awesome so thank you so Much Stacy AKA velvety green for the Mature male everybody go check out her Content oh yeah and another thing before We end I did want to say yes Some Velvet Spiders cannibalize the moms like the Babies do this species does not so I Checked into it from multiple sources From multiple people who know lots of Velvet spider stuff and that's Bowser He's like hitting the pipe because I Turned the filter off to film this Um sorry about that but yeah so this Species does not eat mom which is great Otherwise I would not attempt breeding Her because I just I personally don't Want to like sacrifice my velvet spider For babies but like yeah so nobody Should be getting cannibalized knock on Wood I'll keep you guys updated if I see Anything happening I will for sure let You guys know of course if any sort of Egg sack or babies happens you guys will Be among some of the first to know as Well so anyway like this video If you Enjoyed subscribe if you're not and you Want to be don't forget I mean Instagram Videos probably way too much as at you can go follow me there I also have a patreon podcast and a Teespring it's all linked down below I Will see you guys soon let's get into The patreon pet pics [Applause] [Music] Foreign [Music]
