What if we could Shoot Webs like Spider-Man? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #education #whatif

Puffy Lux

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What if we could Shoot Webs like Spider-Man?
Firstly, if we could shoot webs, people may start shooting webs everywhere, our neighborhoods will not look the same again.
Secondly, if we could shoot webs, Spider-Man will not be able to impress people anymore, he may have to retire.
Thirdly, if we could shoot webs, catching thieves would become extremely easy, cops would be overjoyed.
Fourthly, if we could shoot webs, spiders will be overjoyed, they will have ready-made homes available for them.
Fifthly, if we could shoot webs, out of laziness some people may start using this power to get day-to-day objects, these people may gain weight.
Lastly, if we could shoot webs, people might start using this power while playing basketball, fans may get very disappointed.

0:00 – What if we could Shoot Webs like Spider-Man?
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2:29 – What if Newspapers Disappeared?

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