How to Start Keeping Bees, Guideline 7
Robbing the beehive to get the pure golden raw honey is an exercise all on its own and you should be adequately prepared. Having the right clothing and tools for robbing will avoid any harm to you or the bees. You will need a bee suit with hat and vail, gum-boots, gloves, hive smoker, hive knife, a bee brush and a tool for plying the supers apart.
How to Start Keeping Bees, Guideline 6This guideline introduces how the different parts of the hive are used by the bees. All parts of the beehive are necessary and work together as a whole ensuring that the bees remain happy and productive.
How to Start Keeping Bees, Guideline 2In the keeping of honey bees you could have some choices as to the type your wish to keep. This guideline will highlight different types of bees that are kept for the harvesting of their honey and should help you plan better for your very own beehive.
How to Start Keeping Bees – Guideline 1Do you wish to keep honey bees as a hobby? Here is a guideline that should help in your desire to keep them. Let’s consider different geographical areas that are suitable and others less suitable and the reasons why some geographic areas cannot sustain them.
Wrong Maps Equal Wrong Destinations – Wrong Beekeeping Information Equals Failed BeekeepingGood beekeeping information is essential for the beginning beekeeper’s success. Bad info or bad advice will doom your venture. Get the right beekeeping information resource and then use it as your guide.
How to Start Keeping Bees, 7 GuidelinesHow do you start keeping bees to avoid many of the beginner’s difficulties? You could start by following these seven guidelines. These guidelines will help you plan better for your very own beehive and are for the beginner on keeping bees as a hobby.
Basic Beekeeping LessonsBeekeeping can either be a full-time profession or a simple hobby. However, more often than not, what started as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot just decide and tell yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. Before starting on any hobby or profession, you need to have sufficient knowledge and understanding on the field that you are going to enter.
Turn Beekeeping Into a Business With Your Honey BeesBeekeeping is such a rewarding hobby. Includes information on the lifespan of the honey bee, the two main types of honey that can be produced and how different flowers and soils affect honey.
Why the Beekeeping Suit Is So VitalThe beekeeping suit is vital to beekeeping. Information on the suit itself including the accessories that are required and the dangers of not wearing protective clothing.
The First Lessons in BeekeepingThere are certain things to learned before beginning beekeeping. Includes information on buying or obtaining bees, their behavior and the best time to harvest honey.
Beekeping Suits: What You Need for Safe BeekeepingAll that you need to know about Beekeeping Suits, including the specifics on Globes, Veil and Hat. Use these tips to keep you safe and your bees happy with a proper beekeper’s suit.
Pride of the Beekeeper: HoneyHoney is considered as the beekeeper’s pride; you don’t go into beekeeping without looking forward to harvesting your own honey. There are different types of beekeeper honey, and each is categorized according to the source of nectar, the process and also the packaging. Based from the nectar source, there are three types of beekeeper honey: polyfloral, monofloral and honeydew.