Before Ultron aged, before Civil War broke out, there was great power and great…
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To the comments regarding timeline inaccuracies: This was written, shot, & edited before Civil War was released. Also, it’s a joke. Take it easy and enjoy!
Peter: Victor Mascitelli
Uncle Ben: Mark Withers
Medic: Tommy Wooldridge
Mary Jane: Greyson Chadwick
Aunt May: Joey Magnusson
Background: Hans Obma & Heather Massie
Director/Writer/Editor: Victor Mascitelli
Based On Original Concepts by: Eddie Arocho & Jacob Rosenthal
Producers: Patrick Obma & Jacob Rosenthal
Director of Photography: Daryl Gilmore
Special F/X Editor: Chris Foy
Composer: Kevin Albertini
Sound Editor: Barry S. Weir
Props (Web): David Meslow
Associate Producer: Eddie Arocho
Thanks to Sam for letting us redecorate his apartment and to Miles Allen. Thanks to Dave Meslow for being awesome and so willing to help!
Very special thanks to everyone for giving their time, money, energy, creativity, talents, and love towards this project!