Oh my God Eric this might be how I go out Hi So today was supposed to be my day off I Posted a video yesterday of course Things don't always go that way so it's Like 8 30 in the morning and I've Already dropped Mr tarantula cat off at Work dropped Fiona off at school dropped The dogs off their grooming and now I'm Rushing to drop Bowser off at a Different exotic vet so basically I Don't really know what's going on with Him Neither do any of the turtle people so Let me back up a little bit about Two weeks ago he started basking a lot And with all the Basking I started Worrying that something was wrong with Him because sometimes sick turtles will Bask a lot but also I thought maybe he Is just enjoying his ability to bask Because I repositioned the Driftwood to Where he could get all the way out of The water and like be like pretty far Above it and I thought maybe he's just Enjoying that but then I noticed a Little bit later that he had like some Kind of scrapes on him and I figured They were probably scrapes from his Rocks from like darting around and Eating crawfish so last week I was Trying to get him to eat and like off The tongs and he just wouldn't and so I
Figured he's just been eating all the Fish in the water like the fish have Slowly been disappearing so I figured You know he likes the fish And he refers to eat the fish and I mean That's what they're there for but these Are all just like little subtle things That have been happening for about two Weeks now that I have been talking to The turtle people about at this point It's like yes there is definitely Something wrong with him Um okay so we're at the pet hospital so He's not happy right now you can't Really tell now it looks better than it Did but like you see that little piece Of fuzz on his head he has that fuzz on Different parts of his body so I'm just Taking him here to see what they think And if he needs antibiotics or something [Music] Oh [Music] Bowser's at the vet dogs are at the Groomer we can finally sit down and talk A little bit more so basically Bowser's Been weirding me out for a couple weeks Things have gotten worse now there's Obviously something wrong with him and I Was really worried about him yesterday Asking all the turtle people what do you Think this is what do you think's wrong Because that fuzzy stuff that started Like growing on him was not there like
The day before like it was not there it Just like came all the turtle people Seemed pretty stumped which is what Especially worried me because usually When I have an issue I'll be like hey What's this and they'll be like oh it's This do this this and this you know or Something I am so freaking thankful that I found a vet that would take him today Granted it's a drop-off appointment so I Don't know like how it's gonna go I'm Relieved that he's at least seeing a vet Somebody that can for sure say this is What it is this is how to fix it and Prescribe any kind of medication so I Don't have to like go to attractor Supplies or something and like find all This stuff and kind of just guess I Don't want to guess you know when Something's wrong with him I just don't Want to guess I ran into the pet store Or just now I think I'm going to take This opportunity to really just give his Hank like a good clean down I want it to Be like really nice for him when he Comes home I'm gonna do a big water Change and I'm gonna put in a new piece Of Driftwood so this is what I got from The pet store it's just a big piece of Drift and I really like these because These have tannins and tannins is an Antibacterial it really helps with Ailments it turns the water Brown a lot Of people don't like the tea colored
Water I personally do like the tea Colored water so this is going to do That for me all natural wood products Leach tannins which discolor water blah Blah blah we know that we want that That's why I got it I also got this big Water changing siphon vacuum I already Have one obviously but I don't like it Very much and this one is so much larger And it has the hand pump uh because I'm Not putting this on my mouth with turtle Water on the other end I'm not doing That I I thought I'd try this one out And we'll see how it goes I'm sitting in The mall parking lot right now because I Want to run into Hot Topic when they Open and see if they have the Squishmallows that I have been looking For yeah I'm just kind of blowing some Time until I hear back from the vet so Yeah obviously this is a vlog this is my A day in the life of a exotic animal Keeper YouTuber this is my day in the Life it's just a random day Thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Okay I heard back from the vet and I Don't want to say exactly what is going On just yet because uh she I talked to Her and she like clarified a lot for me
But she's also given me written Instructions so before I'm like blah Blah blah blah I just want to make sure That I understand everything correctly Welcome back how was your day goodbye Okay then let's get you home well he's Mad mad He's hissing and peeing more oh my God Stop peeing oh my God Oh my God And Eric this might be how I go out Boy he's just being like a jerk He's hissing he's mad Could you oh Good boy okay I'm gonna turn you upside Down just to make sure I got it all Why are you touching Bowser like that Because oh he's like turning around okay Nighty night Good night Good morning Bowser Oh good morning so I'm supposed to soak Him and put him in his tank during the Day as you see the water is starting to Turn a little bit more tea colored Because of this new piece of drift I put In there and I also have this heater Right here um it's just like a regular Water heater and that's what this Annoying cable is for I'll figure this Out later but I just want him to go back To like a nice warm tank good morning You are sure more Angry than usual huh Yeah I know
I know all right let me get you some Clean water to soak in really quick Because I'm supposed to rinse them off Okay I usually turn the filter off when I film videos but I'm just going to Leave it on because I'm gonna just talk Really quick so thank God I took him to The vet and that I was able to even find A vet that would take him so quickly Because it trust me when you have a sick Exotic animal sometimes you really have To fight for an appointment like an Immediate appointment unfortunately even In my area where there are like lots of Exotic vet hospitals it's still such a Struggle sometimes and it really sucks But thank God I got him to that vet she Was amazing she swabbed him she looked At it under a microscope she had an Answer immediately it is a type of Bacterial infection and he just needs Antibiotics now she did tell me that This bacteria is kind of difficult to Get completely rid of um she told me What to do which was basically empty out Half the tank changed about half the Filter media just to get more of the Bacteria out of there and treat with Antibiotics I told her that dry docking Him all night seemed to really help and I asked if I should put him back in his Tank or if I should continue to dry dock It and she actually really said that I Could put him back in the tank but
Because it did help dry docking him I Could dry dock him at night and then put Him in his tank during the day and Because I'll be dry docking him at night She also offered me an ointment this Ointment is very common to treat like Fungal infections and I think like even Burns in humans you can buy it over the Counter this is something that a lot of The turtle people were suggesting to me To try before I found a vet if you have A turtle and it's suffering ailments and You can't get to the vet right away this Is definitely something that you could Probably try and find over the counter So we're doing a topical just for until There's some improvement which there has Been Improvement but I'm gonna you know Be extra careful and probably do it a Couple extra days and then we have oral Antibiotics for three weeks every 48 Hours so they gave him his first round Of oral antibiotics yesterday before I Picked him up and he'll have his next Dose tomorrow when he gets annoyed Enough he will just open his mouth and That is like the perfect opportunity to Just squirt the antibiotics in and so I Told them that oral probably won't be an Issue for me me but if I cannot get him To take them orally I can also bring Them up there for an injection every Like 48 or 72 hours or something like That but basically the antibiotic they
Gave me is called Baytril it's really Commonly used in like dogs and other Bacterial infections and I can say Happily that I already see a great Improvement in him as for the vet bill I Really was expecting something Outrageous and I'm just going to tell You guys because I want you to kind of Have an idea of what to expect it only Cost a hundred dollars for the vet care And all the meds which I think is such a Inexpensive vet bill Hey come here Look at this doggy You're gonna interrupt my video but yeah So I'm glad we figured it out I'll keep You guys updated of course on how he's Doing it's okay my guy it's okay and if You guys enjoy this kind of Vlog style Let me know I had fun doing it it's a Little bit different okay so anyway I'll Leave you guys with that like this video If you enjoyed subscribe if you're not And you want to be don't forget I'm in Instagram videos probably way too much As at tarantula.cat you can go follow me There uh so the patreon podcast it's all Linked down below I will see you guys Soon let's get into the patreon pet pics [Applause] Foreign [Music]