I thought she was DEAD.. THEN I SAW BABIES !!!

We were convinced she had met her demise… until we beheld something astonishing – babies! The unexpected sight left us awe-struck, and our assumptions were swiftly shattered. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary tale of an improbable reunion that defied all odds.

I Thought She was Dead… Then I Saw Babies!


It was just an ordinary day at our tarantula enclosure when something extraordinary happened. We found a surprise that left us astonished and filled with excitement – baby tarantulas! Our female tarantula, who we thought was dormant or even deceased after months of not being seen, had given birth. The discovery was both unexpected and thrilling, as we had the unique opportunity to witness the miracle of new life in our beloved arachnid family. In this article, we will share our incredible experience of finding baby tarantulas in our enclosure, the challenges we faced, and the necessary steps we took to ensure the safety and well-being of the mother and her offspring.

Our Astonishing Discovery

After months of not seeing our female tarantula, we assumed that something unfortunate had happened to her. We could not have been more wrong. As we were cleaning the enclosure, we noticed a cluster of tiny creatures scurrying around at the back. To our astonishment, they were baby tarantulas! It was a joyous moment for us, knowing that our tarantula had successfully given birth and that new life was flourishing within our care.

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Rehousing the Mom and Babies

As responsible caretakers, we realized the importance of separating the mom and her precious babies into separate enclosures to ensure their safety and well-being. However, this task presented a challenge. The mother tarantula, being protective of her offspring, made it difficult for us to approach her and handle her without causing any harm. We understood her instincts and respected her role as a nurturing mother. With patience and delicacy, we were finally able to carefully transfer her to a new enclosure that we had prepared, allowing her more space and security.

The Surprise Count

With the mother tarantula safely rehoused, our excitement grew as we eagerly examined the remaining babies. We were curious to see how many baby tarantulas the mom had given us. Carefully maneuvering through the enclosure, we discovered an astonishing count of ten tiny tarantulas! Each one was a marvel to behold, with their distinct markings and miniature size. It was fascinating to witness the diversity of life within this arachnid family.

The Challenge of Separation

Separating the baby tarantulas from their web and ensuring their individual survival was an exciting yet difficult task. The web provided protection and shelter for these newborns, but it was crucial to move them to individual enclosures to prevent overcrowding and potential conflicts. With steady hands and cautious movements, we gently separated each baby tarantula from the web, making certain not to cause any harm. This delicate process required precision and careful attention, but it was a labor of love for us.

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The Crawl of the Babies

As we moved the baby tarantulas into their separate enclosures, we marveled at their adorable yet eerie crawl. Their miniature bodies and distinct leg movements reminded us of their ancestral links to larger tarantulas. Each baby displayed a sense of curiosity as they explored their new environment, finding solace in the safety of their individual enclosures. Watching them navigate their surroundings with such grace and resilience filled us with awe.


Our journey from thinking our female tarantula was dead to discovering her offspring has been nothing short of remarkable. Witnessing firsthand the birth of baby tarantulas in our enclosure has deepened our appreciation for the beauty and intricacy of nature. We have made every effort to ensure the well-being of the mother and her babies, rehousing them in separate enclosures and providing them with the care and attention they need.

We are grateful for this unexpected surprise, which has allowed us to witness the miracle of life in a captivating and unconventional way. Our tarantula family continues to flourish, and we eagerly anticipate the growth and development of these tiny, yet intriguing, creatures.


  1. Q: Can tarantulas reproduce without mating?

    • A: No, tarantulas require mating to reproduce. Female tarantulas store sperm from a previous mating and can use it to fertilize their eggs later.
  2. Q: Are baby tarantulas venomous?

    • A: While baby tarantulas possess venom, it is generally not potent enough to pose a significant threat to humans.
  3. Q: How long does it take for baby tarantulas to grow to their full size?

    • A: The growth rate of tarantulas can vary, but it typically takes several years for them to reach their full size.
  4. Q: Are tarantulas good mothers?

    • A: Yes, female tarantulas are known for their maternal instincts and often guard and care for their offspring.
  5. Q: How many eggs can a female tarantula lay?

    • A: The number of eggs a female tarantula can lay can range from a few dozen to a few hundred, depending on the species.
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