Spider-Man 4: The Sinister Six- Electro Trailer

Press Pass Collectibles

Wishing you all a very Sinister Easter. This is the third video in my Spider-Man 4: Sinister Six series.

Spider-Man 4: The Sinister Six was a very early idea proposed by Sam Raimi as sequel to Spider-Man 3. This idea never got very far though, as Sony was reluctant to make another villain heavy film after the less than overwhelming success of Spider-Man 3. Raimi was told he had to limit himself to a maximum of two villains for his next film and the idea was dropped.

This is my vision of what the unproduced film what have looked like using a mix of returning cast members, proposed actors, and few bits of fan casting.

This trailer focuses on the character Electro played by Ben Foster. Raimi never had a casting choice for Electro so I had to try some fan casting to fill in the role. Electro was, for some reason, the hardest character in this series to cast and I went through several casting choices before settling on Foster after seeing his role in 28 Days of Night.

The Cast:

Tobey Maguire………………………………….Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Kirsten Dunst……………………………………Mary Jane
Bruce Campbell………………………………..Mysterio
Alfred Molina…………………………………..Doctor Octopus
John Malkovitch……………………………….Vulture
Ben Foster………………………………………..Electro
Thomas Hayden Church…………………….Sandman
Scott Adkins…………………………………….Kraven the Hunter
Rosemary Harris………………………………Aunt May

Music used:

Heavy Melody

By End Scan

Stan Lee Signed Amazing Spider-Man #107 Comic Book

See also  A Spooky Spider Wanders on to The Tonight Show