Tarantulas being a ‘Nuisance’ !!! (to OCD people like me) ..

So this is basically What i do when my tarantula decides to Be a real Nuisance i mean it's it's what they do Naturally But i find it really really annoying I mean you guys know right my Custom-made enclosures they are Pretty neat i would say they're not too Messy I mean if they are messy which i will Show you in a bit then i will get stuff Done but Most of them for the most part you can See they are Pretty much clean if it's anything That's messy It's gonna be the tarantulas web which i Do not consider messy But yeah some tarantulas are just Like this tarantula over here oh Hello girl i like how she did her burrow It's like a Like a little volcano kind of yeah it's Pretty cool at night you'll see her come Out here And just wait for food that is so like Really nice because that's how they do In the wild they Like stick their legs out of the burrow And wait for food it's a real nice sight Especially like these ones And my my skeleton tarantula you can see A leg over there

And then of course she decides to Okay you know what since this uh video Has To do with tarantulas being a nuisance This is one of the examples of them Being a nuisance they love for some Reason To freaking poop on the glass like the Enclosure is huge You can poop over there why do you have To poop over on the glass It's so annoying i mean i'm pretty sure It's Natural for them i don't know i mean in The wild there's no glass So yeah it's not natural but yeah it Just doesn't make the enclosure look Nice so every time i will have to wipe It down this one as well this one looks Like it just Oh my gosh this one looks like it just Splattered its poop everywhere look at That Even has like like streaks yeah usually I will just Man this one's really hard this poop is Like constipation or something Oh my gosh this guy and the thing is all Tarantulas poop Are actually different i've actually Done like a few videos on tarantula poop Just go and Search that up and yeah this one is Really annoying came out

Gonna have to re-silicone that back i Actually bought Circle my gosh seriously I actually bought silicone over here we Will be using that In a future video but yeah now Let's get back to this tarantula over Here sorry guys Bear with me the sand crabs if you guys Play runescape you will Know the sandcraft stop attacking me and I came to Reset usually i'll just have to run North and come back and Yeah anyways back to the Tarantula where's my spoon i took my Spoon earlier with it All first i had to put it here and you Guys already know that i used to do this This is going to be like a kind of a Repetition Kind of video but yeah i just decided to Film it again i mean Over here it's more like a vlog i mean My channel Is more like a vlog maybe i'll do some Care sheets in the future But for now it's like vlogs because i Feel it's More fun but yeah anyways this is What i mean when i say my tarantulas are A nuisance so this is My total cattle abupulsum the Honduran well this is the nicaraguan one

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Curly hair And her burrow is all the way back There okay let's bring her in oh she she Retreated into her burrow Her burrow is pretty much deep under There you can see her little foot which Just disappeared and yeah This is a so-called crocodile skull it Is fake it is the exoterras Decoration but you just look at this i i Don't understand why does she have to Pile All the substrate over here it's so Annoying like seriously So i'm gonna have to like not have to But i want to Remove them so i put the bin over here That way i will be able to you know what I'll just push it in First so i can scoop it because if i Don't This girl is so annoying she just loves To do this for Some odd reason so yeah basically i mean You don't have to do this But i decide to do it because i like my Enclosures i have ocd you guys Look at this this is my ocd oh my gosh You see over here nice and you can see Where it separates where she started Piling up her Substrate that she dug out from her Burrow so It's annoying it's annoying so this is

What i'm gonna be doing you see over Here Where the line is i'm gonna scoop that Part out She's just gonna pile up again man even If i do this She's just gonna redo all this again For some reason i don't know why she Likes to pile stuff up At the front the enclosure is so Freaking huge Just the same as i was talking about the Earlier tarantula that pooped on the Glass the enclosure is huge Why do you guys have to every time at The glass Comment down below guys why do you think They do this is it just so that they can Annoy me I'm starting to think so but this is Oh my gosh and it's only recently she Started borrowing you know She's been in here for quite a long time And for Like over a year she never burrowed she Just recently decided hey Wouldn't it be nice to just annoy the Hell out of this guy And pile everything at the front not Cool So oh man do i have to really I think i'm gonna have to take this out First so yeah if you guys haven't Noticed these

See also  “ Oh No No No No No !! ” ~ TARANTULA FEEDING VIDEO

Are noticed no teased did i just say no Teased but yeah Notice that these are plastic plants Because in the room over here The enclosures they do not have i mean Obviously i Would prefer a real plants but in the Room over here I don't have any light i mean apart from That light which one is actually Dead so i'm gonna have to replace that Super annoying we don't have light at All for each individual enclosures and You guys if you guys study science you Guys will know That plants require light well at least Most of them require light to grow So yeah i mean plants i mean i mean What you call that see i can't even Speak the plastic plants They do just fine as well i mean Obviously it's not like they're gonna Die or anything But they look fine from a distance i Mean you're not gonna tell i mean maybe Some of you would If they are real or fake plants From a good distance but Uh yeah sorry just rambling a lot in This video and i'm gonna have to stab This back into the soil These are pretty much just artificial Grass i believe So when you're near you see they kind of

Look plasticky If that's even a word but when you're Far Maybe they still look plasticky but Whatever I have pretty much done what i wanted to Do for today i mean she's been piling Stuff up here for Several days already and i've been Procrastinating to do this i mean it's Not like i have to do this but I just my ocd just is killing me i mean Seriously it looks way better now Doesn't it look at that So much better so anyways guys it's kind Of a random video today but since this Is a Vlog kind of content channel i just Decided to do that and i just fed my Lassidora for ibana over here She is absolutely gorgeous but one thing You notice i mean i'm not sure if the Camera picks it up but you can see Her abdomen has a little dent not sure If that's gonna affect her health Because this was right after she molted So yeah i'm not exactly sure if it's Gonna affect anything Anyways guys that'll be it for this uh Random video I'll be sure to upload a not so random Video after this Oh yeah and if you guys are wondering Why there are still the

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Uh custom-made enclosure re housings and You guys see the Emptiness of the shelves it is because i Separated them out now i filmed every Single Rehousings of these enclosures and you Guys i'm probably thinking like Aren't you like done because yes i've Done a lot of feeding videos i've done a Lot of videos already showing that the Whole room is like filled up but there Are Still custom enclosure rehouse videos Why Because there are 99 enclosures and i Spaced Them out if i didn't space it out you're Gonna watch all 99 enclosures every Wednesdays and sundays every week every Month for I think about a whole year yeah you do The math 99 videos Twice a week so i decided to space them Out and i think It is all spaced out in the span of like In between two to three years I don't know so yeah it is what it is if You guys want to watch Just watch if you guys don't want to Watch then yeah but i mean Just just watch please anyways guys i'll See you in the next video Take care have a good one i'm hoping That this one molds really quickly

Sesimai so yeah guys laters peace
