The Itsy Bitsy Spider song + more nursery rhymes 🕷 HeyKids

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The most beautiful songs for kids: “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and many more nursery rhymes! Subscribe now:
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0:00 Itsy Bitsy Spider song (Incy Wincy Spider)
1:40 Five Little Speckled Frogs:
3:51 Yankee Doodle:
5:45 Five Little Ducks:
7:28 Bingo:
10:12 Old MacDonald Had A Farm:
13:18 Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall:

The Itsy Bitsy Spider lyrics

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Went up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
Now the itsy bitsy spider
Went up the spout again

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Went up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
Now the itsy bitsy spider
Went up the spout again

Itsy Bitsy Spider nursery rhyme for children in other languages:
– Spanish: “Incy Wincy Araña”:
– Deutsch, “Eine Kleine Spinne”:
– Italian, “Whisky il Ragnetto”:
– Swedish, “Imse Vimse Spindel”:
– French, “L’ araignée Gypsie”: – Nursery Rhymes for babies and toddlers

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