At the forefront of the blog post lies an intriguing tale of unboxing giant mites, fluffy wasps, and bolting spiders. Discover the world of these fascinating creatures as he delves into the mysterious packages that await him.



In the captivating world of exotic pet enthusiasts, tarantula kat introduces viewers to a mesmerizing video showcasing the unboxing of adorable giant velvet mites acquired from the renowned Bugs in Cyberspace. The video not only delves into the process of setting up cozy enclosures for these endearing critters but also unravels the delightful surprises that came along with the mites’ delivery. Let’s dive into the enchanting journey of unboxing these exquisite creatures!

  • The thrill of unboxing unique mites
  • Setting up cozy enclosures for the critters
  • Surprises galore from Bugs in Cyberspace
  • Interactions at the pet store and receiving valuable insights from Russ

Unboxing the Cuties

The video kicks off with tarantula kat eagerly unboxing the package from Bugs in Cyberspace, revealing the giant velvet mites, known for their unparalleled cuteness. The mites, harmless and friendly in nature, are a sight to behold as they scuttle around their new habitat with curiosity and charm.

A Sweet Surprise

Amidst the excitement of unboxing the mites, tarantula kat is pleasantly surprised to find extra goodies accompanying the order, adding an element of joy to the entire unboxing experience. The unexpected treats further enhance the already delightful process of welcoming the mites into their new home.

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Setting Up Luxurious Enclosures

Viewers are treated to a visual feast as tarantula kat meticulously sets up the enclosures for the mites, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for the tiny tenants. From adding Repto oil for optimal humidity to arranging sand and wood for a cozy hideaway, every step is carried out with love and precision, highlighting the dedication towards the well-being of the mites.

Feeding Time Fun

The video captures the addition of springtails to the mites’ enclosure, serving as a delectable feast for the critters. Watching the mites indulge in their meal provides a heartwarming glimpse into their daily lives, showcasing their gentle and lovable demeanor.

Pet Store Adventures

In a delightful twist, tarantula kat takes viewers along on a visit to the pet store, where interactions with Russ introduce a wealth of information about caring for these unique creatures. The valuable insights shared by Russ add depth to the video, making it an educational and engaging watch for both seasoned enthusiasts and curious newcomers.


In conclusion, tarantula kat’s video of unboxing giant mites, fluffy wasps, and bolting spiders is a delightful journey into the enchanting world of exotic pets. From the initial excitement of unboxing the adorable mites to the intricate process of setting up their luxurious enclosures, every moment is filled with joy, warmth, and a deep passion for these extraordinary creatures.


  1. Are giant velvet mites safe to handle?
  2. What are springtails, and why are they added to the mites’ enclosure?
  3. How often do giant velvet mites need to be fed?
  4. Can fluffy wasps be kept as pets, and do they require specific care?
  5. What essential tips did Russ provide regarding the care of the mites?
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