WATERING my Disgusting TARANTULA !!! 🤢 #shorts

When it comes to caring for their pet tarantula, he knows that watering is crucial for its well-being. In this blog post, he will share tips and tricks for properly hydrating his hairy and rather creepy arachnid companion. 🕷💦 #tarantula #care

WATERING my Disgusting TARANTULA !!! 🤢: A Review of Exotics Lair’s Short Video


Exotics Lair, a popular YouTube channel known for its captivating exotic pet content, recently posted a short video titled “WATERING my Disgusting TARANTULA !!! 🤢.” In this video, the focus is on the Caribena versicolor tarantula, also known as the Antilles Pink Toe. The video delves into the feeding habits of the tarantula, specifically addressing the annoyance caused by leftovers in the water dish after meals. Let’s take a closer look at the key highlights of this intriguing video.

The Beauty of the Caribena Versicolor

The video starts with the narrator admiring the vibrant coloration and the exquisite beauty of the Caribena versicolor tarantula. The striking contrast of pink and blue hues on its legs is truly a sight to behold, captivating viewers from the start.

Feeding Time Shenanigans

As the video progresses, the narrator demonstrates feeding the tarantula a dubia roach, a typical meal for these arachnids. However, what ensues after the meal is unexpected. The tarantula, in its feeding frenzy, leaves behind a bolus in the water dish, a behavior that amuses and frustrates the narrator simultaneously.

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Importance of Clean Water

One of the key takeaways from the video is the significance of changing the water regularly in the tarantula’s enclosure. The narrator emphasizes the need to prevent leftover food from rotting in the water dish, highlighting the potential risks of infections for the tarantula if cleanliness is not maintained.

Adhering to Hygiene Practices

To ensure the tarantula’s well-being and health, clean water is paramount. The narrator stresses the importance of clean water not only for maintaining hygiene but also for preventing health issues that could arise from unclean conditions.


In conclusion, Exotics Lair’s video “WATERING my Disgusting TARANTULA !!! 🤢” offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of exotic pet care, focusing on the feeding habits and hygiene practices associated with keeping a Caribena versicolor tarantula. The video serves as a gentle reminder of the responsibilities that come with pet ownership, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance and cleanliness for the well-being of our furry (or in this case, hairy) friends.


  1. How often should the water in a tarantula’s enclosure be changed?
    Regular water changes are recommended to prevent contamination and ensure the tarantula’s health. It is advisable to change the water at least every two to three days.

  2. Why is it crucial to maintain clean water for tarantulas?
    Clean water helps prevent bacterial growth, contamination from leftover food, and potential infections in tarantulas, promoting their overall well-being.

  3. What risks are associated with allowing leftover food to remain in a tarantula’s water dish?
    Leaving food remnants in the water dish can lead to bacterial growth, mold formation, and ultimately pose health risks for the tarantula, including infections.

  4. How can pet owners ensure the cleanliness of their tarantula’s water dish?
    Regularly inspecting the water dish, removing any debris or leftovers, and replacing the water with fresh, clean water are essential steps in maintaining the hygiene of a tarantula’s enclosure.

  5. What are the visual cues indicating that a tarantula needs a water change?
    Cloudiness or discoloration of the water, presence of residues or mold in the water dish, and foul odors emanating from the enclosure are signs that prompt immediate water replacement for the tarantula’s health and well-being.

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