[Music] Foreign No guys you did not accidentally click On the wrong Channel thanks Mikey for The intro that was awesome so if you Guys saw this tweet that I tweeted you Will know that I went to the Philippines Meeting Mikey Mikey Bustos from Antscanada so we have been chatting for Quite a while and we decided hey I'm Gonna pay a visit we flew over to Philippines to Manila good afternoon We have my kids driver Ryan pick us up From the airport is it [Music] Let's go So on the way to Mikey's place we went To Jollibee which is a Filipino fast Food chain Foreign Let's give you guys a quick tour of Mikey AKA and Canada's house thanks for Inviting us Mikey really really Appreciate it and yeah enjoy the video Guys That's cool we're gonna take you guys There anyway welcome welcome hello man Nice to finally meet you how was the Flight it's pretty good good yeah All right man your place is huge oh my God Wow Nice to see you you too man this is LC Hi we're host manager hi anything just
Ask her okay so nice thank you Um we have snacks for you but I'm sure You guys are full this is Filipino food It's cheese and like rice never tried Yeah oh yeah this for you There's a stairs that lights up oh yeah This is one of the guest rooms with the Bathroom here's your bathroom yeah wow Okay let me walk in and I'll just turn On So there are birds here and there was so Much more like trees and plants but the Birds have destroyed those like three Parrots up there they're called Blue Named parrots native to the Philippines No they are destroying that tree those Are blue apes and the others are way up There they're called uh Crimson belly Conyers oh yeah they get to South America they love chilling out there Being the Sun but yeah I get what we do Is we swap out the plants as they get Destroyed we sweep every day yeah Um because they make a big mess birds Are very very messy animals pretty cool Yeah Let's go so this is your editing room oh Yeah okay so this here is the entertain Ment Editor of a couple of our YouTube Channels okay Come in all right so this is where we Have an entertainment but we entertain Yes so there's a television there's a
Cinema screen wow okay Drops on top and the green screen this Is kind of like a YouTube corner Forget it so this is where I record the Voiceovers ferns coming Up before it used to be just in a closet Like in my con my old place but we built This place so that we could record very Clean Canadian Idol yeah yeah long long time Ago uh play button oh yeah play buttons This is for my comedy channel and then Vlog channel oh this is the that's a Very old old one yeah and actually here Too [Music] Yeah I guess they're they're like okay We're still tired of glass and Frames Let's just give them one this is so much Nicer I mean it seemed it's bigger That's one thing and Um yeah I don't know they both look good To me so this is Sahara and Cipher They're siblings but from different Litters No Cypher be nice be nice we also have Another dog who is in obedience school Now and we have a giant poodle which is Downstairs the next time you come this Will be done this is the kitty pool part Oh here's a gonna be our full bar this Here is the stop house so our house Staff live here how many stars do you Have
Four or five at least for the ends uh Okay so no this was an old tarantula Okay sure yeah actually the one you gave Me used to live in here but we've Rehomed it okay this is this was an old Ant uh outworld this was But she ended up dying she was very old Uh it was a green bottle yeah I can see The Blues No Filipino house Where we can have guests stay if they Want It's gonna be fully air conditioned and Everything with a patio at the back and The forest is at the back the forest is Really really nice it's the forest part Also your land yes okay so down here They're doing a water test because this Will be a marsh like a pond where's the Poodle My gosh there we go I meet our friends This is just so friendly so happy to Meet strangers yeah very friendly okay I'm glad you guys are okay with that so We can bring the dogs here China room yeah most of our play like Fancy plates and stuff Um designer like Cutlery okay here's our Dining room it's a very big dining room Yeah that back panel depending on what The occasion is we can change the Background it could be this mural It's nice Filipino furniture designers okay so
This here is by a Filipino designer Ito Kesh it's a big it's called the gregoria Lounge chair this is one of those like Cool pillows you can write your name and Stuff all of our wood is treated Take it upstairs You'll see these are on the holster of Smoke mirrors okay so they can control Like the home you can watch YouTube Let's go to this room last okay this is Artwork we've collected from our travels This is your room this is the room we Call the Green Room we prepared it in Case you also you guys wanted to stay Here come in the green room because like It's up in the trees and you know Sometimes I'll sit here and I'll see we Have flying lizards they're often here Like doing their head Bob this is the The yellow room we call it oh yeah this Is where our editors think oh okay the Birds will come up here and interact With us right but they're busy Destroying it it's our expensive trees Instead of a guest pool we have our Guests sign these pets Try sitting on the stool okay Wow it's comfortable right yeah and yeah We asked our guests to sign a pig okay Yeah you're our first YouTuber I think Yeah to be here that's that's awesome Hello should come up here and interact With us how do you tell them apart well This one I know is Gabriella because
She's got a yellow spot on her back okay Right there Yes [Music] Gabriella yeah Is this your bedroom yeah all right Oh my God no Yeah what sometimes the whole day here What okay you've got a jacuzzi in your Room not even in the toilet what Yeah some days I just don't want to Leave the bedroom so we decided to build Like pretty much our condo freaking cool Oh my gosh yeah What That's crazy I feel so poor I feel so Poor God midnight snack or something yeah Yeah so cool this year we built it the Original plan was to put a python in Here wow so it actually does have like Top housing in case we needed to add Heat okay because this place is air Conditioned all the time but it's Currently just fake plants do you often Use this Um we've only turned it on once [Laughter] A special occasion or something sunsets Here so I mean it's kind of a sunset Sometimes I'll stay here and like think About like the curtains close at the Same time and they open at the same time Every day oh it's automatic it's
Automatic yeah it's all smart toilet It's here at sea It's like perfumes here why did they Heat and seeds here yeah you know what You should try it it's just super Comfortable this is a library Do some work here too Wow because here's the really Oh A dresser I believe they call it those Are suitcases a suitcase Um and then this is our closet for the Doggies so they have their own dresses And stuff pet products simple and stuff Leashes that's all Toys Look at this please this is closet room Oh this is cool have you seen this What's that oh good it's it's like a so You put the stuff in here it'll iron it It'll disinfect it it'll clean it Um a whole bunch of stuff oh also all The tiles here are anti-back so they're Antibacterial they contain like a an ion That makes bacteria hard to like Multiply uh this is another bathroom I Prefer to get ready in this bathroom ah Okay and shoe rocks hats I've given away A lot of shoes it wasn't a Nike reporter Dream home literally Yes you're home now Wait so you have a code there but not Here No we do right there
Oh Oh okay yeah All right so this is the ant room but Um I'm sure you don't want to do it why Not uh I want to go in there Uh maybe another time well well I just Have stuff to do it's not ready but Maybe Monday I promise in a couple days We'll go in there okay So yeah you already broke into our place What is this the colonies here oh it's a Carabara diversa colony so there's a Queen there and like a bunch of eggs and See they're eating pieces of mealworm Yeah they dragged it down because it's So hot during the day a lot of ants are Nocturnal a lot of them recognize this Yeah it's a little choco yeah he or she She is just I don't touch her but she Prefers a setup without a hide of giving Her a hide but she doesn't she really Doesn't use it this here is a horned Frog The Suriname horned frog nice On the channel Down here we have isopods and Springtails Knights and nematodes okay I Use it to bioactivate setups this here Is a Dracula and colony It's so small it is yeah Um it's like so huge yeah and this will Hold a good 200 to 300 ends so this is Where I keep all my sphagnum Moss If this here is
Um while I was making a setup there was This huge grub that like a beetle yeah Larva it's a rhino beetle so I'm Actually waiting for it to oh it's a Grub inside yeah it's somewhere in here And I think it's currently pupating so It should come out maybe in a couple Weeks or so I've been told to keep Beetles also but they don't live long They don't live like six months Max yeah It's very short yeah yeah sadly can we Actually see the Dracula okay see They're on the surface I could actually Remove this because they can't climb Smooth Yeah see oh how often do you feed them Uh these guys I'll feed a couple times a Week okay this is a tank I'm currently Using as sorry they like terrarium Plants okay for when I need it but a big Centipede lives here it's so scary I Don't want to touch it I just throw the Roaches inside my room these here are Trap jaw ants Um again they'll come out more at night But they uh these guys oh wow I had to Downsize actually these look like the Ones that are around our house yeah I'm Sure the Coleman ones right yeah they're Very common they build like these nests Using debris from their environment and They glue it all together from larva From silk from so I've created these Little like areas where they can build a
Nestic seat that was one huge Nest there They've built it into this bowl as well And then this is the meanest here They don't sting they have like a they Spray there's a lot yeah Um but because we're getting close to Summer it's weird a lot of ant colonies Have die-offs My tarantulas a lot die also oh really Doing some I mean it's Like around April it's really hot here Too like March April so like plants lose Their leaves everything kind of like Self-preserves they go into excavation And then colonies as well like a lot of Die-offs happen in the summer yeah so That they can preserve their That's the downside of our place yeah It's a bit Yeah Yeah We have a shower so Random So every morning I just come here before Sunrise Sit Here Yeah so like I turned them on and I do a Steam room or sauna and like meditate After having breakdowns from being a YouTuber You know it is for notes um and then This here is my green tree he's eight Years old Sometimes usually he'll be up on the Sticks but this is his first day in this Tent he loves the floor sometimes just
The easiest snake to take care of like So on problematic I think most of them Are wild caught are they yeah I think so Oh don't come from Indonesia oh that's Really sad Yeah he Adult Uh we have an understanding he lets me Clean around and give him food as long As I don't touch her and he doesn't Touch me but aggressive well this here Is a uh Oh my gosh [Music] I am terrified of heights And you Know it's so nice Look outside oh Okay so the root deck is not complete But we plan on Finishing he's huge you everything in Your house is huge what yeah I got a Nice view of the sunset yeah the birds Are here oh Hi guys The birds love watching the sunset hi Hello Billy Billy yeah He's very cute and he's gonna be getting A girlfriend soon we're getting him a Female so that's it thank you