Searching for my “MISSING” tarantula past 3AM !!! ~ [Missing for SEVERAL MONTHS] ~ WORRIED !!!

Dubia Roaches

If you are planning on starting a colony of Blaptica dubia there are several things you will need to know. Dubia also do not burrow and can not climb smooth surfaces. Now that you have learned a little about identifying dubia you need to know how to care for your colony.

Beekeepers, Reduce Smoking in Honey Bee Colonies

The notion that the smoke calms the bees is somewhat questionable, as how many of us would remain calm if we discovered smoke drifting through our home. Indeed that is exactly how the bees are reacting and just as we might dash to save our treasured possessions, they rush to their vital honey stores.

Honey Bees and Bumblebees

Honey bees are among the most useful creatures on earth; not only do they provide us with honey and other byproducts that we can consume as food, but honey bees and other bees play a crucial role in the pollination of plant life. It has been estimated that up to 30 percent of the food that humans consume around the world is reliant upon pollination by bees. However, we are just as likely to find bumblebees in our gardens as honey bees; how do these two types of bees differ?

Managing Bees With Proper Protective Beekeeping Gear

Beekeeper suits are the most important of all the equipment required for beekeeping and it should never be dismissed. It is typically worn by beekeepers as they work with the hive. Find out how the beekeeping suit protects the beekeeper and what are alternative safety gear they use.

Essential Tips Before Purchasing Beehives

Know excellent tips to consider before getting your beehive. There are certain pieces of essential equipment when you start beekeeping.

Beekeeping Supplies and Hives – What to Look for When Shopping

This article discusses beekeeping and bee hives, and talks about the most important things to look for when you’re shopping for a bee hive. Also covered are the two main types of bee hives and the advantages of each.

Different Types of Bees

We’ve all eaten honey, and many of us supplement our diets by eating beneficial bee byproducts such as bee pollen. However, there are several different species of bees; which ones make honey, and what do other kinds of bees do?

Beekeeping – 10 Reasons to Raise Your Own Bees

Backyard beekeeping is shaping up to be the latest trend in urban areas in addition to gardening, chickens and rabbits. Why should you raise bees? Bees are essential for the pollination of plants and crops. The last few years there has been an overwhelming disappearance of bees due to colony collapse disorder (CCD). Without the bees, we will have fewer crops leading to increased food prices as well as food shortages.

How to Get Rid of Hobo Spiders

Hobo spiders not just trigger severe panic attacks in arachnophobic people. The can cause serious bites leading to necrotic skin lesions. Although most bites happen accidentially, when you see Hobo spiders in yououse, you should get rid of them as soon as possible.

The Gray Cricket
See also  Cobalt Blue TARANTULAs can be UNPREDICTABLE ~ Mine has a CROOKED BUTT lol!

Gray crickets that are abundant in the United States are raised for consumption for reptilian pets. The gray crickets also known as acheta domesticus are a calcium and moisture filled nutritional diet for reptiles and amphibians.

All About Ladybugs

What’s so special about ladybugs? Are ladybugs harmful? Please enjoy these fun facts about ladybugs!

Why You Should Get Insect Pets for Your Future Engineering Student

We all know that nature has had millions of years to adapt, and we have 100s of thousands of species on Earth which have adapted to specific niches to exploit what’s available; Life will always find a way. Perhaps, it is for this reason that so many of our technological advances are based on our observations of nature. After all, it’s had quite a head start and adaptation and evolution are a brilliant master of engineering.