The BRUTAL BUGS I’ve always wanted ~ GOT ‘EM!!! FINALLY.

I can’t believe it! After years of searching, I finally got my hands on the brutal bugs I’ve always wanted. This has been a long-time obsession of mine, and I’m thrilled to share my experience with all of you. In this post, I’ll detail my journey to obtain these rare and elusive creatures, and provide insights into what makes them so fascinating. So come along with me as I reveal the wild world of these brutal bugs.


As an enthusiast of unusual pets, I finally got my hands on my dream pets – Assassin Bugs! These creatures might not be for everyone, but they have certainly captured my attention with their amazing coloring, behavior, and hunting ability. In this article, I will share how I am taking care of my Assassin Bugs and what you need to know about keeping them as pets.

Preparing the enclosure

To prepare the enclosure, I gathered cocoa fiber, coco husk, burnt rice husk, bark, and desert sand. I mixed it all together to create the perfect substrate. The mixture had to be slightly damp but not waterlogged. Assassin Bugs are from Africa and prefer a dry environment, so I made sure to leave a dry spot in the enclosure.

I added a water dish with stones to avoid drowning. Assassin Bugs are known for their incredible hunting skills, but these insects are also incredibly skilled swimmers. So, keeping the water dish safe is very essential.

To give the enclosure a more naturalistic look, I added a skull. The Assassin Bugs love climbing and hiding in the skull.

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Lifespan and Breeding

Assassin bugs have a two-year lifespan, which is quite long for an insect. These bugs lay eggs in the soil, so I made sure to add appropriate substrate to the enclosure. I am hoping they breed well with us.

Settling in their new home

I have kept my Assassin Bugs in their new home without any food as of yet, allowing them to settle in without any disturbances. This helps them to get used to their new environment, reduces stress levels, and helps them adjust to new surroundings.


Keeping Assassin Bugs as pets might be a bit different, but it’s worth it if you are an enthusiast of astonishing pets that will definitely catch everyone’s attention. By creating a perfect mixture of substrate with all the necessary components, providing a dry environment along with a water dish, and avoiding stress by not disturbing them, I anticipate a happy life for my Assassin Bugs.


  1. Are Assassin Bugs safe to handle?
    Ans: Assassin Bugs are not recommended to handle because they might bite if they feel threatened.
  2. What do Assassin Bugs eat?
    Ans: Assassin Bugs eat other insects like flies, crickets, and mosquitos.
  3. How often do you need to clean the Assassin Bugs’ enclosure?
    Ans: You should clean the enclosure weekly to ensure that the environment remains healthy.
  4. What is the temperature range required for Assassin Bugs?
    Ans: Assassin Bugs prefer temperatures between 25-30°C.
  5. Do Assassin Bugs make any noise?
    Ans: No. Assassin Bugs hunt silently.