This is why you ALWAYS get an Older Female TARANTULA.

So today we have got another death But this one is a natural cause because You see over here it's written here mm Which Basically refers to as matured male now This is my Mature male hypochterra namakensis and Surprisingly This is the longest lived matured male Baboon that i've ever had because of This guy matured About close to a year ago and he Just died yesterday now usually mature Male baboons like rare horn baboons the Saratoga star lingy They live in not even close to a year Based on my experience and they just Expire and they are gone but this guy Over here he lived for almost a year so That is fantastic That is like really really long and Really proud of him but unfortunately Today Is the day he i mean yesterday was the Day he Expired now for those who don't know Mature males they don't live Very long because i'm i'm always like Repeating this because there are new Watchers coming into the channel New subscribers so yeah mature male Tarantulas Don't live very long like for example Let me give you an example of

A female gramastola for example they can Live Upwards to 25 years 30 years males Three to five years max and they will Expire But baboons like this way shorter like Females Live about 12 years give or take and Males about Two years give or take some if they Mature out quick About one year depends how quickly you Feed them and how Frequently you feed them now i brought Another one over here which Is a female heart bacteria normal Cancers Now i got both of them at the same time You can see the difference between the Female And the male females to need a rehouse Very very soon But as you can see the difference in Girl chill Chill so yeah you can see the difference In size she's not matured yet she's About three inches now And the male was about four inches Yeah and these guys i believe they get About five inches Males are usually a little bit smaller Especially the matured males So yeah i mean and also they Mature out way quicker than their female

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Counterparts But yeah take a look at this female this Is how they're supposed to look like Heart bacteria norma kansas i'm not Mistaken I don't know what is their common name Bronze baboon no i don't think so But yeah i i don't really do common Names but yeah as you can see This is the female and this is the male And well that is the end of The male so Yeah i'm not sure what else to say in This video just want to show you guys The difference between the male And the female and my female is very Very gorgeous very very big look at her So cool and i had actually i had three Heart bacteria nama cancers One died as a sling because sling they Just sometimes randomly just die for no Reason whatsoever And then two of them survive oh girl Whoa chill Calm down you're not coming over okay But yeah Um the male passed away because males Obviously they mature out quicker than Females And then the female is alive hopefully She has a long way to go i think these Guys live about 12 years And she is about a year plus almost two Years

And same age as this guy obviously Because i got them both at the same time And they are siblings and yeah I actually thought i'm not even exactly Sure if they're siblings because the I'm just guessing their siblings because The person that i bought them from I think he imported them so i'm not Exactly sure Where the source they came from so Yeah i actually planned on breeding them And I don't think incest has anything Like i don't think it affects tarantulas I'm not sure Leave it down in the comments below Because yeah there is No they're not inside they're arachnids And i'm pretty sure Incest is fine for I don't know how many generations Because you know rats even rats they're Mammals They can incest iraq somewhere for about 20 generations yeah Before any deformities appear so i i Don't know I guess you can also if you want to put In nice terms you can call it Line breathing but for tarantulas i Don't know comment down below But yeah i wanted to breed them but then The male decided to mature out quicker Than the female which i wasn't surprised

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About because Yeah usually if you want to a pair Tarantulas you want to buy a pair For example get the male that is Way younger than the female so in other Words get a bigger female And get a smaller male because the male Chances are they're going to mature out Way quicker than the female if you get Them both at the same size and they're Going to happen This is going to happen over here you See they're just gonna die And i mean the male is gonna die first And the female is not gonna have another Male i mean In the future but yeah i mean she is Gonna get them so i can't speak but yeah She's not gonna get The mail that you bought that's the same Size as her she's Gonna get another male in probably in The future but yeah You get what i mean right if let's say You want to Prepare tarantulas and you bought a pair Get a male that is Way younger than the female and then he Should mature Out when the female is a little bit Bigger And both of them are mature so you can Pair them sorry if i'm rambling so much In this video

This video is just going to be one take Okay i'm going to try to make this video One take i'm Going to try my best to not like cut in This video so you will know Because most of my videos i cut in the Middle but Yeah that's because i always make Mistakes and i mumble And i ramble like what i'm doing in this Video And sometimes it's even worse so yeah Being a one take video you can see my Mistakes and bloopers and flaws so Anyways guys yeah i just wanted to show You that and explain to you About because i have a i have a perfect Example over here Two harvard terra nama kansas and Yeah what else am i gonna say like i Said this one take oh yeah i just wanted To Show also that you look at the sides These guys are just Notorious for like like pooping at the Sides for some reason Oh there's a turk there you're still Alive Bruh the turk is still alive yo Come here i want a little is the meal Like fully dead Yeah he's dead all right i want the turk Come here turk Come here i want to feed you to the to

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The female No you're not running away oh boy oh mom Oh no no no no No come here freaking turk man seriously So annoying really Stop running away from me yeah okay got It let's give it to my female hopefully She eats for us Then this will be a good feeding video i Mean a good video in general Freaking are you serious bro are you Freaking Kidding me come on come on come on mean Stop stop get into the enclosure all Right there we go Awesome so pretty much that turk was for The male or her boyfriend that Um is no longer with us i'm not sure What i'm gonna be doing with him maybe I'll bury him maybe i'll preserve him I don't know but it will not be in this Video because this video is already Long enough 7 minutes and 50 seconds so Yeah i think i will end it over there Just wanted to show you guys the two Uh heart bacteria nama cancers that i Have left And now well i only have one left And my turn male has passed away i could Not find i actually did Look around and ask people if they have A matured female for This guy but unfortunately they are Pretty rare

In the country so not many I mean no one actually replied me saying They have A female so i was the only one with the Female and Unfortunately he matured out quicker so They weren't able to breed sad anyways Guys that'll be it for this video like i Said it's going to be a one-take Video so you guys can see all of my Random nonsense and yeah i will see you In the next video take care have a good One stay safe and Peace
